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Yeri's Pov..

"Come inside.." Jungkook said, letting me in. This is the first time I went to his house and it's pretty cozy than I expected. Not to mention that their things are all clean as hell too!

"Your house is clean.." I mumbled.

"I know.. I always clean the house thrice a day.." He said and my jaw's dropped. Is he serious?

"By yourself?" I asked.

"Yep, all by myself.." He said.


Suddenly a woman which I assume his mother came up to us.

"Who is this pretty girl Jungkook?" She asked.

"Annyeonghaseyo.. I'm Kim Yerim.." I introduced myself and bowed politely. You know what? First impression is important.

"Oh, you're really pretty! And I want to know more about you!" She said, happily.

She's kinda strange and am I really that pretty?

"My son never bring home a girl before. You are the very first one and I'm curious." She added.

WHAT?! Jungkook never bring home a girl before? Like really? But he's a perverted dick head!

"Mom! Enough.. Yerim is Mrs.Kwon daughter." Jungkook finally speak up.

"Oh, you're Yuri's daughter? My bad! I never have time to visit your house.." She smiled apologetically. I won't lie.. His mom is so kind, sweet and joyful unlike Jungkook and I like her.

"It's okay.." I smiled back, kindly.

"Where is noona?" Jungkook asked.

"She went out with her boyfriend again. I hope she'll be home soon. Ah! Come and eat! I make loads of foods!" She said, cheerfully.

"Come on.." Jungkook said, pushing me to the kitchen.

OH GOD!!! I'm not crying! Hanwoo, kimchi stew, sushi, gimbab, tonkatsu even jokbal! To be honest, we rarely eat this kind of foods. Mom is not that good at cooking and we always end up eating pancakes or cereals. But dad is good at cooking. It's just that he never had time to cook for us cause he have to go to work early and he come back home sometimes late at night.

"Woah.. This is daebak!" I exclaimed and the two chuckled.

"You know what? Mom is the best cook in town. Everyone approved her cooking too!" Jungkook said, proudly.

"Haha kids.. Eat well. If you need anything, I'll be in my room." She said and leaves the kitchen.

"Your mom is really nice.." I said to Jungkook and he nodded, agreeing with me. Who wouldn't? And I'm not lying. I really mean it.

"I know.. Anyway, how are you going to get back home?" He asked.

"I thought you're going to help me?" I asked back.

"When did I say that?" He asked back again.

He's so cunning!!

"Dad is going to kill me if he knows that I'm not in my f**king room! I thought you're going to help me! How am I---"

"Enough! Just kidding.. I'll help you with that.." He cuts me off and I glared at him. Why is he always teasing me?!

"You really like teasing me huh?!" I asked, angrily.

"Oh you know me well and I know you enjoy it too!" He exclaimed.

"How dare you---" My words were cut off when there was a loud arguing noise from the main door.

"Stop doing that!!"

"What did I do?!"

"Stop smacking my butt you alien!"

Suddenly the door swing open and there came in two people. One was a girl and the other one was a boy.

"Hi, noona!!" Jungkook greeted the girl which I assume his sister. And I wouldn't lie. She's very pretty.

"Who's this?" His sister asked.

"Hi, I'm Yerim.." I said, smiling. If I want to have friends, I need to be polite right?

"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Irene and this is my friend Taehyung." She said.

"No, I'm not just a friend. I'm her boyfriend." The Taehyung guy corrected her.

"Shut up! We're not even dating!" Irene unnie hissed.

"Yet.." Taehyung still challenge and I chuckled. They are so cute.

"Noona, mom made loads of foods. Eat some.." Jungkook offered.

"Yes, free food--"

"You alien! You're not eating that! Let's go to my room!" Irene unnie pulled Taehyung out of the kitchen.

"Nooo!!!!" Taehyung cried.

"They're cute.." I said to Jungkook as soon as they were out of sight.

"I don't think so.. They're annoying.." Jungkook said.

"Anyway, what time is it?" I asked.

"Almost 9.." He said and my jaw's dropped. What?! I need to do my assignment! How can time flew so fast?!

"Oh shit! I have to do my assignment! Come on! I need to go home!" I said in panick.

"Take it easy.." He said, calmly.

No!! I can't be caught again! Like never!


Hello everyone!

How have you been?

I've been thinking a lot lately and I'm really stressed out about something.

I know you can't do anything about it but I'm just letting it out.

Sorry for the lame Chapter!

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