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After buying many different flavors of ice-creams, they end up at the park. Yep, they didn't want to go home yet. Tons of assignments and projects are waiting for them. And it's sucks so, they decided to stay at the park for a bit.

"Are you sure you can eat all of that?" Jungkook asked Yeri, who was licking her ice-cream like there was no tomorrow.

"Of course!" Yeri said, confidently and Jungkook scoffed in disbelief.

"I swear you're going to catch cold. Lucky you." He said.

"Exactly! I'm so lucky! I have tons of ice-creams with me right now and this is heaven! This also what they call the taste of heaven!" Yeri exclaimed.Jungkook can't believe her. Is she really obsessed with ice-cream this much? If it is, it's not good. Ice-cream is not good for health although it's tasty.

"Don't you think you're too overreacting and obsessed with an ice-cream? You are very childish." Jungkook pointed out and Yeri frowned.

"I don't care.. Don't mind me." Yeri said.

"But I have to mind you cause you're very boring when you didn't talk. And it didn't suit you." Jungkook said.

"Then, choose a topic!" Yeri suggested.

"Okay, lemme think..." Jungkook trailed off and look up to the sky thinking hardly.

"Don't take too long to think.. Time flew fast." Yeri said.

"Let's have Q&A!" Jungkook said, excitedly.

Yeri stop licking her ice-cream and look up at the guy dumfounded.

"What's Q&A?" She asked and this time, it was Jungkook who was surprise. 'Is she in kindergarten? She doesn't know what a Q&A is?' He asked himself and tried his best not to laugh.

"What? I don't really know what is a Q&A.. Is it some kind of algebraic problems?" She asked again.

"Pabo!! It means questions and answers!" Jungkook finally burst out laughing. He can't take it anymore.

"Don't laugh at me you dick head!" Yeri said, angrily.

"Hahaha!!!!" Jungkook laugh even louder than before and it makes Yeri more angry.

"People makes mistakes! You should not laugh at them! You should tell them the right answer so next time they'll do it right! Stop laughing at me!" She exclaimed.

"This is a new record! Kim Yerim doesn't know Q&A!" Jungkook being the hardheaded guy, he still laugh his ass out like there was no tomorrow. And for Yeri, she wanted to slap Jungkook in the face for laughing at her but people are passing by them so she tried her best to control her temper.

"Ermm.." Jungkook then finally hold himself together.

"Thank you." Yeri said, rolling her eyes.

"I'm sorry. It was really funny to be honest." Jungkook said.

"Thanks." Yeri said, sarcastically.

"Yaaa.. You got no sense of humor. Now, let the Q&A starts! I'll ask you first. What's your favorite color?" Jungkook asked, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Purple. And you?" Yeri asked, showing that she was somehow still mad.

"It's white and blue. What about an outfit?" The guy asked again.

"Just a comfy clothes." Yeri replied.

"For me, I like plain T-shirts and jeans. Something simple and fresh." Jungkook said and Yeri nodded.

"Who's your favorite singer?" The girl asked this time.

"Justin Bieber. You?" Jungkook asked.

"Ariana Grande.." Yeri said.

"I don't like her that much. I prefer Selena Gomez." Jungkook said.

"She's better than Selena." Yeri argued.

For around 2 minutes, they have a staring contest. Jungkook on Selena's side and Yeri on Ariana's side.

(A/N: Readers! Who do you prefer? Ariana Grande or Selena Gomez? For me, it's Selena😘)

"Whatever! What's your aim in life?" Jungkook asked, changing the subject.

"I want to be Hanbin's wife.. That's my aim." Yeri said, dreamingly.

"Who's that?" Jungkook asked.

"WHAT?! You don't know B.I?! He's Ikon leader Kim Hanbin! He's a great rapper and songwriter!" Yeri exclaimed.

"Whatever. I don't give a shit about that guy. And your dream is hopeless and nonsense." Jungkook pointed out rudely and Yeri glared at him.

"How dare you!" Yeri shouts in anger.

"I'm stating the truth. It's going to be one sided forever. Know that million of girls also dream about that thing just like you. But at the end, boom!!!" He exclaimed.

"Stop! I don't want to hear anything! Let's go back to our main topic. What's your aim in life?" Yeri asked.

"I want to be an actor but I know that I can't because studying comes first in my life so, I change my plan last night." Jungkook said.

"And what is your new aim?" Yeri asked.

"I want to become a tattoo artist."

Then Yeri look at him like he was some piece of a shit. There's no difference between being an actor or being a tattoo artist. Both didn't point on studying. And she realized that the guy she was talking to was, Jeon Jungkook. Not a normal person.



Am I too active!

I discovered that the votes keeps on going down and down in every chapters.

Why? Is it because I'm too active?

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