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Yeri's Pov..

I know it was already time for school cause I can hear Eunwoo running around asking for breakfast. But you know what? I don't have any energy to get up. My throat hurts and my whole body felt like shit!

"Mom.." I called in a tired way. It was more like a whisper. I don't have any energy to raise my voice. What happen to me?

"Achhiuu😤!!!" The f**k?! Does this means I have a cold? What the freaking f**k? Is it because of all the ice-creams I ate yesterday? Ugh!! My head hurts so bad! I should have listen to that dick head! What am I going to do now?

And suddenly, Mingyu barged into my room. Seriously! I don't want to start a fight today. Can't he just leave me alone?

"Yah, did you see my headphones?" He asked.

"No, I need mom.." I muttered.

"Talk loudly! What did you say? You put at where?!" He asked and started to search for his stupid headphones in my drawer. How dare he?!

"Mingyu! I need mom!!!" I screams in pain. You know what? My head hurts and I'm scared. My vision went blurry.

"Tell me where you put my headphones first." He still decided to be hardheaded. I want to kill him! I'm really serious to death right now!

"Aaahhh😭😭!!!!" I don't have any choice but to cry my heart out for mom to hear. I don't care about my reputation and all that at the moment. I need mom and that's it!

"W-why are you crying? What's wrong?" Mingyu finally asked, worriedly.

"I need mom!!!" I cried loudly.

"What happen to you? Are you okay?" He still asked. Curse you, Kim Mingyu!!

"Shut up and call mom for me! I'm in pain! My head and my throat hurts! If anything happens to me, I'm blaming you! Go and call mom!!" I yelled angrily and continue to cry like a kid. You may think that I'm childish but I'm really in pain.

"Don't worry!" My brother said and quickly stormed out of my room. Finally!

Then after a few minutes, everyone came inside the room panick. Mom, dad, Mingyu and Eunwoo. They were all there.

"What happen?" Mom asked worriedly.

"My head hurts badly, eomma.." I cried like a kid. Then my mom put her palm on my forehead to check whether I was sick or not.

"Gosh! Your forehead is so hot! You're sick!" Mom exclaimed.

"I know the reason! She ate so many ice-creams yesterday!" Mingyu said and I glared at him.

"Don't lie! I don't." I mumbled.

"Oh yeah you did! I saw you eating 8 packets of ice-creams in the living room yesterday! Not to mention that you even stomped on my feet hardly cause I asked for one and you refused!" Mingyu said. Well, it's not a lie that I stomped on his feet yesterday but why is he so talkative? Is he a girl? Wait.. A gay?

"Stop bickering. And Yuri, give her some medicine." Dad said.

"Okay.." Mom nodded and leaves my room to get the medicine from the kitchen.

"Noona, are you a bit fine now?" Eunwoo asked, worriedly.

"I'm okay. Don't worry." I said.

"I don't think you can go to school today.." Dad said and I grinned widely but at the same time, secretly.

"But dad----"

"That's what I'm thinking too, dad. My head hurts so bad and I need some rest." I cuts off Mingyu and he glared at me.

"And Mingyu is off today right? You and mom can go visit grandfather in Seoul with no worries. Mingyu will take care of me and he'll take home Eunwoo after school too." I added.

"Who says I'm doing that?!" Mingyu asked, angrily.

"Dad, I have something to tell you. Mingyu was in dete---"

"Oh well! I'm free to do that! I'll look after the both of you today.." Mingyu cuts me off this time and gave me 'How the hell did you know that I was in detention?' look.

"I guess we're fine, dad." I said and I knew Mingyu was glaring at me. I can feel it.

"Okay, I'll talk to your class teacher. Let's eat breakfast now, Eunwoo.." Dad said and leaves the room with Eunwoo.

"If you tell dad about the detention thing, you're dead!" Mingyu said with firing eyes.

"As long as you grant my wish, I won't." I said and he angrily leaves the room.

Haha!!! This is it!!!!


Suddenly, I got a message from my dear neighbor again.

Neighbor🐽: Did you cry?

Me: How did you know?

Neighbor🐽: I think I just heard you crying loudly so, I assume you're crying??

Me: You know what?

Neighbor🐽: WHAT??

Me:🐽: I have a cold :(

Neighbor🐽: See? I told you.

Me: My head hurts.

Neighbor🐽: Oh sweetie, I'm sorry to say this but serves you right.

Me: Ha! What did I expect?

Neighbor🐽: I'm coming over to your house after breakfast.

Me: No need!!

Neighbor🐽:Yes need!

Me: No! Don't you dare! I want to sleep!

Neighbor🐽: I'm not coming for you. Mingyu and I are going to play video games.

Me: I don't believe you.

Neighbor🐽: Love you too😘

Like seriously?! I want to rest peacefully today!



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And last, loads of love as always😁😘💚


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