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Yeri's Pov..

I groaned as soon as the sunlight hit my face. And the first thing that came into my mind was hell school and of course that dick head. I admit that yesterday night was fun and his mom is kind but I still hate him to death.

Then I check my phone and as expected, there was a number of messages from him.

Neighbor🐽: Are you awake?

Neighbor🐽: I guess you're not..

Neighbor🐽: Wake up!!!

Neighbor🐽: I'm not joking!

Neighbor🐽: Get up, will you?

Neighbor🐽: Whatever! It's already 7!

Neighbor🐽: Are you ignoring me?

Neighbor🐽: YAH!!!!

I rolled my eyes, seeing his text. What is he? A seagull? Then I don't have any choice but to reply him.

Me: I'm up...

Neighbor🐽: Oh finally! Do you think you're sleeping beauty sweetie?

Me: F**k you!

Neighbor🐽: Die in hunger.

Me: Ouch..

Neighbor🐽: Whatever.. Our college starts at 8 so, be ready!

Me: Who cares? Our school starts at 8:30!

Neighbor🐽: Do you really want to ride on my dick tonight?

Ewwww!! This is why I really hate Jeon Jungkook! We can't have a proper conversation! We always fight at the end because he's too pervert!

"YERIM!! WAKE UP!" Mom finally shouts from downstairs. Okay, this feels like my real morning now! Then I quickly jump out of the bed and make my way to the bathroom to clean up myself.

After a few minutes, I finally got ready and I quickly make my way downstairs. Mom was there frying some eggs and Mingyu was also there eating his cereal. But dad and Eunwoo were nowhere to be seen.

"Good morning.." I said to them.

"Good morning." Mom said and Mingyu just sipped his cereal like he doesn't know about my appearance. Who cares?

"Where's dad and Eunwoo?" I asked.

"They already went out." She said and I nodded.

Suddenly, my phone beeped and finally it was from Bambam. I wouldn't lie. I was waiting for his message. But not like that way!

Luv💋: Hey, ready for today?

Ugh.. This feels strange! I need to change his name! Then I quickly change his name to make me feel comfortable.


Thai boy🐞: What happen?

I don't know how to reply so I don't bother texting him back. You may think that I'm rude but who cares? My phone beeped again and this time, it was a message from Jeon jerk.

Neighbor🐽: I'm in front of your house. I'm not coming in coz Mingyu will suspect something. Last.. Come out!

"Mom! I'm going! I don't have time to eat.." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"I bet she's going to copy her homework from her friends." Mingyu said and I glared at him. How dare he?!

"F**k you.." I mumbled.

"Kim Yerim, language.." Mom warned. Shit. She caught me!

"I'm going!" I said and I quickly ran out of the house.

"What took you so long?!" Jungkook asked as soon as I approach him.

"I didn't took long.." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Of course you did! I'm almost late now!" He exclaimed as we started walking.

"Late? I don't get it. Why are you such in a hurry? Mingyu was still eating his cereal peacefully." I said.

"Cause he's not me.. I'm the class president and I always need to show up before 7:30, sweetie." He said and my jaw's dropped. WHAT?! He is a class president?! But he's perverted and I thought he would be a bad boy in school! A bad boy that always ditch the class and said, "Rules are made to be broken." What the f**k is this? Am I hearing it right?

"Ooo.. You don't believe me?" He asked.

"I'm just surprised.. Anyway, what are we going to do about Bambam?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Leave it to me.." He said.

"Can I trust you?" I asked and he scoffed.

"No.. You can't trust me." He said, sarcastically and I groaned in annoyance.

"Like seriously!" I exclaimed.

"It's up to you." He replied.

And after a few minutes of walking, we arrived at our school. Well, I told him to went straight to his college but he insisted and says he's going to walk me here. Hey! Don't blame me!

"So, we're here.." I said.

"See you after school." He said.

"Maybe.." I said and was about to walk away but he suddenly grab my wrist and spin me around.

And you know what?!





"Bye, have a nice day." With that, he turn around and leaves me dumbfounded.

What was that?!!


Double updated!

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