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Today, Yeri's going on a date with Jungkook and she need some help from her mom.

"Mom! I need your help!" She yelled again. Soon enough, her mom finally make it to her room.

"What's up?" Her mom asked.

"I'm going out with Jungkook and I don't know what to wear! I want to look as beautiful as possible!" Yeri said, frustratedly.

"Oh.. Let me look at your wardrobe first.." Her mom said and started to search the perfect outfit for Yeri.

"PALLIWA!!" Yeri complains while stomping her feet impatiently and her mom chuckled shaking her head.

"Just a few more minutes.." Her mom said.

(15 minutes later)

"Perfect! Simple and gorgeous!" Her mom clasped her hands excitedly.

"Perfect! Simple and gorgeous!" Her mom clasped her hands excitedly

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(A/N: So hard to find the perfect outfit for Yeri.. Sorry fams😅🙌)

"Are you sure?" Yeri asked her mom while checking her appearance in the mirror.

"Yes! It looks great on you.. By the way, have you told your brother about this?" Her mom asked and Yeri shook her head.

"No.. It's not the right time for him to know.." She replied and her mom nodded.


"Oh! Maybe it's him!" Her mom chirped and quickly went downstairs. And for Yeri, she was completely nervous and almost out of breath. The last time she dated a boy was already 3 years back when she dated this sunbae named Lee Taeyong. They both were the talk of the school but sadly Taeyong went to Australia to study so they couldn't continue their relationship.

"YERI! COME DOWNSTAIRS!" Her mom yelled from downstairs.

"Fighting, Kim Yerim!" She said to herself and went down the stairs. And as soon as she sees Jungkook, she stared at him in awe. He was so f**king hot and so hard to resist!

(A/N: You can kill me now! I'm not good at fashion!)

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(A/N: You can kill me now! I'm not good at fashion!)

And for Jungkook, seeing Yeri with that dress he feels like his whole world has stopped.

"Are you guys done staring at each other? You're going to be late!" Yeri's mom pointed out and they both snapped out of their thoughts.

"Mianhae.." Jungkook said, stretching the back of his neck nervously.

"It's okay.. You should now go." Yeri's mom said.

"Right.. Shall we go?" Jungkook asked Yeri.

"N-ne.." She stuttered and Jungkook kindly opens the door for the girl then let her go first.

"Have fun, kids!" Yeri's mom said.


"I have planned everything perfectly last night!" Jungkook said, while driving the car.

"And tell me!" Yeri said.

"First thing we will do is eat." Jungkook said and Yeri cheered.

"Jaehyun told me that there's this strange and expensive restaurant named Nunyeol restaurant. He says that is where Chanyeol hyung and Jiyeon noona had their first date.." He said, grinning and Yeri nodded.

(A/N: STRANGE. RESTAURANT. Okay bye, Jungkook! That's my f**king restaurant!👊
Jungkook: NO!!! Authornim, I still want to be in this story!! I'm so sorry for saying that😖🙏
Me: Fine..... Go on.... )

Chanyeol and Jiyeon are the talk of town because of their great matching looks. Everybody said they both are match made in heaven. They also said that Jaehyun is so lucky to have a handsome older brother and a pretty sister in-law.

"What are we going to eat?" Yeri asked.

"Duck meat.." Jungkook replied.

"Yah, what's with that face?" He asked when he saw his girlfriend frowning and making a disgusted face.

"Out of all meats, why a f**king duck meat?" Yeri asked back, rolling my eyes.

"Just wait! You'll definitely ask to eat it again!" Jungkook said, confidently.

After 30 minutes of driving, they finally reach their destination.

"DAEBAK!!" Yeri's stared at the big restaurant in awe.

"I don't know that this kind of expensive and big restaurant exist in Busan!" She added and Jungkook scoffed

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"I don't know that this kind of expensive and big restaurant exist in Busan!" She added and Jungkook scoffed.

"Seoul maybe the centre in South Korea but note this.. Busan is where every interesting things located! You just need to figure it out!" Jungkook pointed out and Yeri nodded.

Then they went inside the restaurant.

Then they went inside the restaurant

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"Oh.. You're right. Seoul maybe the centre of South Korea but Busan is more interesting!" Yeri exclaimed but her boyfriend doesn't move an inch.

"Jungkook!!" She shook him out of his thoughts.

"What are you thinki---"

"Look.." Jungkook pointed his fingers at two people and when Yeri look to where he was pointing, she was also shock as hell.



What do you think of this Chapter?

Anyway, Christmas is coming and I'm so excited!

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