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Yeri's Pov..

"AHHHH!! CAN MY DAYS GET BETTER THAN THIS?!!" I messed up my hair in annoyance. I don't know what to do now! Some part of me wants Jungkook and some part of me tell me it's not right! I rarely fall in love! What happen to me! Out of all f**king boys in Korea, why Jeon Jungkook?! Wae?!


"Noona, mommy told you to immediately come downstairs to their room!" It was Eunwoo.

"Tell her I--" before I finish my words, I can hear him already running down the stairs. Aish.. This f**king kid for Hanbin's sake! Many things are bombarding me in my brain right now! Why can't they leave me alone?! Then without any choice, I lazily dragged myself downstairs and went to my parent's room.

"Why did you call me mom?" I asked.

"Oh, I bought this for you.. Undergarments.. I realised the last time I bought you undergarments was already January.." She said, while handing me a bag full of undergarments. Mom, you don't know anything. I have so many f**king sexy and disgusting undergarments because Jeon dick head from the next door bought me to tease me. Ugh! I don't want to think about it!

"Thanks.." I said, with a frown. Why? Everything that happens these past few days always reminds me of Jungkook and I hate it!

"What's with that face? Don't you like it?" Mom asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"No, I like it mom.." I said with a sigh.

"Yerim.." She called and I look up.

"Come sit.." She said, gesturing me to sit on the bed. I nodded and obediently sat down.

"What's bothering you?" She asked. I really want to tell you mom but I'm not brave enough to just spill it out from my mouth.

"Tell me.. I'm here for you. Your mom is here.." She said, warmly. Then I started to cry loudly.

"Eomma.. I don't know what happen to me! I think I'm falling in love and I'm scared.. I'm really scared! I know I'm still a student but I can't help it! Eomma what will I do? I was so rude to him! I only want him to shower me with his love but I never gave him back! I never gave him back my love! The thing is why did I fall in love with a wrong person?" I sobbed.

"Is it Jungkook?" She asked and I froze. I never mention his name. How can she know?

"Oh.. Let me answer your question. You guys are acting strange and suspicious lately.." She said, reading my mind.

"Mom, out of all boys why him?" I asked.

"You wanna know your eomma's story?" She asked and I nodded.

"During my high school days, there was a guy named Choi Siwon. He was our senior and in short, he was perfect. He was handsome, tall, smart, intelligent and kind. He was perfect in everything. Even in sports. He was the golden student. One day, I ditched the school cause your grandma scolded me in the morning for always getting late for school.." She said, chuckling then I slightly smiled. Okay, I got that side from mom. You know always waking up late in the morning..

"I took a bus and decided to end up at the Hangang river. While I was scrolling around, someone tapped my shoulder and surprisingly it was Siwon. I asked the reason why he went there and he said he was sick of obeying his parents so he wanted to make them angry. From that day, we started to get closer to each other and we even dated.. He was an angel. He took a good care of me but there was something that he was hiding from me. But I was too dumb to notice it." She sniffed. Wait.. Mom is.... CRYING.

"Mom, don't cry.." I said patting her back gently. But she continue to sobbed, uncontrollably.

"If only I would turn back time.. I have so many things to tell him.. Even though he was suffering from that stupid cancer he always act like he was the happiest person in the entire world. How can I not know? Why am I so foolish? The things that he secretly suffered, I didn't know anything. He even told me to never cry because of him.. Yul, I love you and find another guy who will give you the desires of your heart.. You're my world.. Don't ever cry because of me.. When you miss me, look up to the sky and you'll see me there.. Make my dreams come true with your true love.. Have kids and be happy. I love you, smile now.. That's his last words before he closed his eyes.." Mom sobbed.

"Mom..." I called closed to tears. But she quickly wiped her tears and said, "For me, it's late now.. But for you it's the right time.. So, go and tell Jungkook what you really feel before it gets too late.."

"Mom.. I ca--"

"I don't want you to end up like me.." She said.

She is right. Losing someone we love is the hardest thing in life. Then I quickly took out my phone and text Jungkook.

Me: Dickhead.. At the park now. You have 10 minutes..

Neighbor🐽: .......?

Me: Don't act clueless..

Neighbor🐽: Tsk... Fine..

"Thank you, mom.." I hugged her and quickly stormed out of the house to meet Jungkook.



Chapter 31 updated!

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