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Yeri's Pov..



Guess what? Today is Saturday which means it's Mingyu's birthday. And I'm here sadly celebrating it with his dick friends and my family. At first, I tried to lock myself up in my room and pretend like I was going to study but what can I do? My hotheaded father doesn't allowed to do it. He says I will end up watching kpop videos again. This is shit! They knew me too well and I hate it!

"I'm finally 21!" Mingyu yelled in excitement like a kid.

"And it sucks, I'm only 20." Yugyeom mumbled. What are they? A five year old kids? Why are they so childish?

"I'll slice the cake for you guys.." Mom said and leaves the living room with Eunwoo, who was waiting for the chocolate cake to get slice ever since the party has begun. And dad went to their room to continue checking his paper works again. That means I'm stuck in the living room with these 5 idiots again.

"Hey, Yerim.." Yugyeom greeted me and I glared at him. Don't get me wrong but they all really get on my nerves. And in the corner of my eyes, I can see my brother glaring at me for behaving like a shit to his friend.

"You're so cold, no one could like to date you." Yugyeom said with a sigh.

"That's not your problem, it's mine so don't mind me. Thank you for your concern." I replied.

"Exactly.. Don't mind my sister, she's a whore and a bitch." Mingyu said.

WHAT?! A whore? A bitch?!

"What did you just say?!!" I asked angrily through gritted teeth. I'm so done with him too!

"Sweetie, I'm done hearing loud yelling noises for today. Please be the smart one and don't fight with your brother.." Jungkook said.

"Then go home.." I snapped. I can do whatever I want cause this is my f**king house.

"You're such a fool.." Jungkook mumbled.

"Kids! The cake is ready! Come and grab some in the kitchen!" Mom yelled and with a blink of an eye, those idiots expect for Jeon dick head ran inside the kitchen.

"What?" I asked, glaring at the perverted dick head when I caught him staring at me.

"Do you want to grab some fries at McDonalds?" He asked.

"Excuse me? What did you say?" I asked to make it sure.

"I'm suddenly craving for fries more than chocolate cake so, let's go eat some at McDonalds." He said.

"Are you going to treat me?" I asked.

"Psh.. Yes, I think so.." He said, rolling his eyes. Guys! Don't blame me, he's the one inviting me to eat and he should pay it too.

"Come on, let's go!" I said and quickly exit the house while they were busy eating the cake.


Jungkook's Pov..

(A/N: This is the first ever Jungkook's point of view in this story and hell yea, let's go!!!!)

"Hop on!" I said to Yeri, who was looking at me like I was some piece of trash.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you know how to ride this? I don't want to die yet even though I hate my life.." She mumbled, while pointing at my bike. And you know what? I did my best holding my laughter cause she's so funny and cute.

"Of course, I did. Wear that helmet and hop on!" I told her.

"I'm scared.. Let's walk.." She begged and I scoffed.

"Did you know that dozen of girls wanted to ride on this bike with me but I haven't give them a chance?" I asked and she laugh sarcastically. What the f**k?! She doesn't believe me?!

"You don't believe me?!" I asked.

"I didn't say that.. Whatever! Let's walk!" She begged again.

"It will take two f**king hours!" I exclaimed.

"Fine! If anything happens to me, I'm blaming you!" She said and finally hops on. Thank God!

"Can we go?" I asked and she hum in response while slowly putting her hands on my waist.

"Gosh.. Do you want to fall? Hold my waist tighter!" I ordered.

After a few minutes.

"It's too fast!!!" She yelled, while driving.

"Oh shut up! It's not a f**king car! It's a bike for your information!" I yelled back.

"Just be careful and watch the road! There! A truck is coming our way! Be careful!" She said.

This is going to be a long f**king ride!


Finally after 4732778 years of not updating, I'm gladly back!

How are you guys? I hope you're doing all fine!

Anyway, who's your bias in Izone?

Mine is Minjoo😘💙

Mine is Minjoo😘💙

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