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"Mom!!!!" Yeri quickly ran inside the kitchen while patting heavily.

"Why are you running around like that?" Her mom asked, still preparing the dish.

"Jeon Jungkook from the next door said he will rape me!!" Yeri exclaimed.

"WHAT?" Her mom stop chopping the carrots and finally focused on her.

"I'm not lying! He really say it!" Her daughter said, hoping that she'll do something to that guy from the next door.

"What are you talking about? Who's Jungkook?" Her mom asked.

"I told you the boy from the next door! Please mom, do something! Punch him in the face! Or kick him in his balls so he can't have babies for the rest of his lives?!" Yeri asked with a plead. Yeri's mom knows kung fu. She learned it for 3 years during elementary school. That's why Yeri always beg her mom to do something whenever she's in trouble.

"Do you want me to take you to the doctor?" Her mom asked and Yeri jaw's dropped. 'What's this?! I'm fine! I don't need to see a f**king doctor!' She thought, gritting her teeth.

"You should stop watching movies from now on. It's messing with your head, Yerim." Her mom added and continue chopping the carrots again.

"Seriously! I'm not joking!" Yeri said, angrily.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Mingyu asked, entering the kitchen with a sleepy face.

"Mingyu oppa!" Yeri quickly cling onto her brother.

"Yah, what are you doing?" Her brother asked, surprised. Why? Yeri is not that clingy and what happen to her? And the main point is, she never called him oppa.

"Jungkook from the next door said he will rape me! Oppa, you don't want your sister to got rape by some dick head right? Can you punch him in the face? Or kick him in his balls? Do something!" Yeri said, frustratedly.

"Are you eating some wrong medicine? Who is Jungkook?" Her brother asked, looking at her like a fool.

"A perverted dick head from the next door!" Yeri said, angrily.

"Ugh.. I don't even know him. By the way, no man should be kicked in their balls. You don't know how precious it is for us! Say that again and I'll definitely kill you!!" His brother snapped. Why is he suddenly acting so grumpy? Here's the answer. Two years back, he was dating a girl who is six years older than him. When valentines day comes, he tried to kiss her and even tried to propose to her but he regret it and always will for the rest of his life. Why? That girl kicked him in his balls. He even skipped classes for three days and told his parents that he got a headache. But nope, it was a different situation.

"You don't have to yell at me though!" Yeri argued.

"Stop arguing! Aren't you guys tired of bickering? And Mingyu, go arrange all the books in the bookshelf nicely.." Yeri's mom ordered.

"Later.." Mingyu mumbled.


The doorbell suddenly rang and when their mom open the door, there stood an innocent boy in front of her.

"Oh, umm.. Come in!" Yeri's mom said, letting him in.

"Hi! I'm Jungkook, your neighbor and mom told me to give this to you guys as a welcoming present.." As soon as Yeri heard Jungkook's voice, she quickly went out of the kitchen and approach them.

And same thing. As soon as Jungkook sees Yeri, his smile grew wider. This time he looks like an innocent kid. Not a perverted boy.

"Mom! He's the one! He said he will rape me!" Yeri pointed her finger at Jungkook while glaring at him.

"Who try to rape you?!" For the first time, her brother popped out of nowhere and acted like a protective older brother.

"This boy from the next door!" Yeri said, glaring at the boy. But Jungkook doesn't seem to care.

"Umm.. What do you mean?" Jungkook just asked innocently like he didn't know anything. What an actor right?

"Don't act like you don't know anything jerk! This is why I never wanted to move to Busan! Chaeyoung was right! Busan boys are all perverts! Let's go back to Seoul mom!" Yeri begged. And it was all a damn lies. Chaeyoung never said Busan boys are perverts, she said they are hot as hell.

"I'm sorry, did you take her to the doctor?" Jungkook asked Yeri's mom, totally ignoring the girl.

"WHAT?! You---"

"I'm so sorry for her behavior.. Please understand her and thanks for the buns too. I'll thank your mom later." Yeri's mom cuts her off. To be honest, she was planning to do something on her daughter as soon as Jungkook leaves.

"No problem.. Umm, hi?" Jungkook said to Mingyu this time.

"Hi, I'm Mingyu.." Mingyu said, stretching the back of his neck nervously. Why? He was embarrassed because of Yeri. Jungkook doesn't seem to be a perverted boy.

"It's nice to meet you.. If you want, you can hang out with me and my friends..Or do you want to play video games with us? I bet Jaehyun will be very happy.." Jungkook said, trying to gain Mingyu's trust.

Meanwhile Yeri wanted to throw up. People these days are so fake.

"Umm, yea.. I'll make it later. I'll take shower first." Mingyu said and quickly ran up the stairs to take a quick shower. Why is he so excited to hang out with Jungkook and his friends? Cause he doesn't get along with his Seoul friends. They were all nerds who are obsessed with books and studying.

"Do you want a drink?" Yeri's mom offered Jungkook a drink.

"No, thank you. Mom told me not to drink something before I ate my medicine." Jungkook lied.

"Oh, you're such a good boy! Mingyu and Yeri need to learn alot from you. Your mom will be so proud to have a good son like you." Yeri's mom said smiling and Jungkook smiled back warmly, showing his bunny teeth.

"Ha! I don't think so.. I would cry all day if he's my son." Yeri mumbled and her mom who heard everything glared at her.

"I need to help my mom preparing the dinner so, I gotta go." Jungkook said and Yeri's mom walked him out kindly.

Meanwhile, Yeri lungs were almost popped out cause she was so angry. And as soon as her mom comes back to the kitchen, she glared at Yeri.

"You really embarrassed me! How can you be so mannerless?! He is just an innocent kid! I'm telling your dad as soon as he get home!" Her mom said, angrily.

"Mom!" Yeri said, frustratedly. How can they trust Jungkook so easily? And innocent kid? They maybe wrong.


Chapter 4 updated!

What do you think of this Chapter?

I don't have much to say.. Maybe you can start?

Anyway, thank you for reading my story and don't forget to vote, plus comment!

And here's my boyfriend Lucas bieber giving you hearts😂😘

And here's my boyfriend Lucas bieber giving you hearts😂😘

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See you soon and have a nice day everyone!


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