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Yeri's Pov..

Luv💋: What are you doing?

I smiled seeing Bambam's text. Hell yeah, we exchange numbers! I'm the happiest girl alive in this world right now. He really make it up to me. We went to the Café and he treated me chocolate milk. Then we went to the park again and we played with the kids. It's true that I don't really like kids but Bambam invited me so, why not?

Me: Nothing.. Just lying down on my bed.

Luv💋: I see.. Don't forget about tomorrow.

You know what? We decided to walk to school together everyday starting from tomorrow. And about my new school, it was hell. They're so strict and there are Busan dialects everywhere which I really hates. But the great thing is that I met a friend named Eunchae. She have a bubbly personality and it somehow reminds me of Chaeyoung.

My phone beeped again and this time, it was a message from Chaeyoung. Oh I really want to see her in person! I miss her so much! Like really!

Chaeyoungie🐛: How's school?

Me: Fine. I made a friend name Eunchae.

Chaeyoungie🐛: That's all?

Me: Yep. Nothing much to say coz I miss you :(

Chaeyoungie🐛: I miss you to death too, bitch😁

And for the third time, my phone beeped again. When I opened the message, it was from that dick head neighbor. Seriously! What did he want from me?

Neighbor🐽: Come out.

Me: Excuse you?

Neighbor🐽: Just obey me!

Me: Am I your slave?

Neighbor🐽: It's about Bambam.

Me: I don't believe you.

Neighbor🐽: I don't tell you to believe me.

Me: So what? Stop disturbing me!

Neighbor🐽: Okay! It's up to you. If anything happens don't regret it.

Me: What do you mean?

Neighbor🐽: I'm waiting for you at the convenient store.

What the f**k?! Why can't he leave me alone? He's such a dick! But something inside me tells me to make it to the convenient store. Then I quickly changed my pajamas and ran downstairs as fast as I can.

"Where are you going?" Dad stopped me when I was about to exit the door.

"I'm going to the convenient store!" I said.

"Why?" Mingyu butted in and I glared at him.

"It's not your business and can I go dad?" I asked, innocently.

"It's already 4!" Mingyu exclaimed. Ugh! He's so annoying!

"Be back at 5!" Dad said glancing at his wrist watch.

"Okay, bye!" I said and quickly stormed out of the house.

And after a few minutes of walking, I finally make it to the store and Jeon jerk was there, drinking his coke.

"What? And out of all places, why convenient store?" I asked. It's strange right? This is why I hate him!

"Don't ask me anything and calm down first." He said, calmly.

"Dad told me to be back at 5!" I said, angrily. I don't have time to play stupid games with him.

"Okay! So in short, Bambam is already taken." He said.

"Why will I believe you?" I asked. Yeah, why will I? He's a great liar right? Remember the time when he lied to my mom? Aish! Thinking back about that time makes my blood boiled up.

"Cause I'm right.. Here!" He throws his phone at me and when I look at the phone, to my surprise, it was a picture of him with a girl.

 Here!" He throws his phone at me and when I look at the phone, to my surprise, it was a picture of him with a girl

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"And what's this?!" I shouts in anger. Did he try to make me jealous?

"The point is sweetie, if you try to do anything think first cause your prince charming is already engaged to someone else.." He said.


"What?! And who's the girl?" I asked.

"That girl on the picture. You may not believe me but it's true. They are going to get married next year. Both their parents want the two to be together. And I'm really sorry to say this but he'll play with your feelings if you went too far." He said.

Then without me knowing, tears started to form in my eyes. I can't cry in front of this jerk! He'll make fun of me!

"Sweetie.. Are you crying?" He asked.

"I'm happy for them but why did he act like he's also liking me back?" I managed to choke out, biting my lips.

"Even though he's my friend, I'll tell you the truth. He's a playboy. You think that I'm pervert right? Well, I'm not denying it. But I don't play with girls and their feelings." He said and I somehow started to believe him.

"I don't know what to do!" I said, frustratedly and was about to walk away but he suddenly grab my wrist.

"I'll help you.." He said.


What a lame Chapter!

Sorry guys!

I promise it will be better next time.

Nothing is going in my mind these days cause I'm depressed.

Nothing is going in my mind these days cause I'm depressed

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It's confirmed that Yiyang had left SM. I'm so sad. SM is being a bitch this time. She's 21 and SM is planning to debut a new gg in 2020! She had a dream too! She can't wait that long!

They lost a golden visual. Pray for me please!😭😭😭.. I already shipped her with Lucas and I'm really sad!


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