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Yeri's Pov..

"Give me more beer!!" I ordered while sipping a glass of beer.

"You high schooler, who's going to pay all of your drinks?" The bartender asked me and I just rolled my eyes in annoyance.

After I saw that hurtful scene, I end up at the club. F**k yes, I'm suppose to be at school but who cares? I'm really hurt right now and I sick of studying those f**king shits right now! I'm not scared to face dad too! I'll just blame Jungkook! He's the one who made me like this! Why didn't he tell me he was a gay all those times? F**king moron! And you know what? This f**king bartender named Jin is annoying as hell!

"Why did you ditch the school kid?" He asked again and I glared at him. I'm not a kid anymore!

"Why are you even here old man?" I asked back and he glared at me.

"F**k! Kids these days are f**king out of manners!" He scoffed.

"Says the one who's saying curse words." I replied.

"Aish! You're too drunk! Go home!" He shouts in anger. No way! I have something to do after this!


Jungkook's Pov..

"I hate stupid long lines!" Bambam whined in annoyance.

Fourth period had finished awhile ago and we're currently standing in a long lines, waiting for our food.

"Me too, I hate cafeteria lines! This is why I hate our school!" Yugyeom followed. Ugh, why can't my days get better than this?

"Where's Jaehyun and Mingyu?" I asked them.

"I don't know. They are nowhere to be seen." Bambam mumbled.

Suddenly my phone rings and when I look at the caller ID, it was Yeri. F**k! I totally forgot about her! She will be so angry! Whatever! Face anything like a man Jungkook!!

Phone conversation.


"Ahhh😭! You perverted dick head!! I'm mad at you!! I'm really mad at you! Why don't you tell me about this before?!" She yelled. What? Is she drunk right now? But it's daylight and she's suppose to be at school.

"I'm in front of your school! Come out now! You know what? If you didn't show up in 2 minutes we're over!" She yelled and hang up.


"Bambam something urgent came up and I need to go. Lend me your apartment till the evening!" I said.


Before he finish his words, I ran out of the crowdy Cafeteria and ran towards the school gate. And Yeri was really there, waiting for me.

"What are you doing here and why are you drunk?" I asked worriedly and at the same time, the smell of beer went through my nose.

"You're a gay! A f**king gay Jeon Jungkook!!" She yelled and the students around us stared at us, chuckling. Ugh! Embarrassing!!

"Let's go somewhere else.." I said, trying to drag her away but she suddenly sit down at the floor, shaking her head. God! What did I do to deserve this?!

"You love Taehyung!" She yelled again and I chuckled. I love Taehyung?

"What do you mean?" I asked and tried my best not to laugh.

"Save it! You're hugging him this morning and it proves it all! Stop making f**king lame excuses! You two were so close!" She exclaimed. So she saw us this morning? Don't get me wrong guys but I was just comforting him because he was still not over at Irene noona. And being a gay towards Taehyung? Eww!

"Are you sure about me being a gay?" I asked trying to be serious as much as possible.

"I'm hundred percent sure!" She said, confidently.

"Let's just go!" I said to her while putting out my hand for her to hold.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked.

"Somewhere.." I replied.

"Piggy back me!" She ordered.

"WHAT?" I asked, surprised.

"I'm not going anywhere until you piggy back me!" She said.

OK.... I don't have any choice.

"Climb on my back then my little baby." I said bending down.

"Let's go! You're going to be my slave for today! Yay!!!" She cheered. Love you Yerim but this is going to be a long day!



How are you guys? Hope you're doing fine by the grace of God!

Anyway, I want to tell you guys that there are only 3 chapters left.

We'll have to say goodbye for awhile😅

But continue to support my fanfics! And I'm trying to do BTS FANFICTION this time. Please look out for that!

See you.


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