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Yeri's Pov..

Neighbor🐽: Are you sleeping?

Neighbor🐽: Kim Yerim???

Neighbor🐽: Answer me right now!!

Neighbor🐽: YAH.... Seriously!

Neighbor🐽: Did I do something wrong?

Three days have passed since I've found Jungkook's dirty plan. Yes, I call it a dirty plan.. If you want you can call me a bitch too! I don't care. Think about it! 10 f**king ways to make me fall in love with him?! What kind of joke is that? I don't want to be Jungkook's girlfriend for my parent's sake! And he keeps on texting me but I don't reply him. Why? Cause I hate him to death!

"AHHH!!!!!" I groaned, while kicking my blanket over and over again. This is really disgusting!

"YAHHHHH!!!! STOP MAKING NOISE! I'M STUDYING!!!" Mingyu yelled from his room and hit the wall hardly.

"F**k you!!!" I yelled back.

What am I gonna do?

"Mom!!! Kim Yerim is cursing me!!!" I can hear Mingyu running down the stairs. Whatever! I don't have time to fight with him. All I need to do right now is meet Jeon dick head somewhere and let him explain everything.

Then I quickly took out my phone and replied his text.

Me: Let's meet up at the park.

Neighbor🐽: Now?

Me: Yes, now.....

Neighbor🐽: Ok.. See you sweetie!

Me: See you.

I'm going to do what's best before he's taking another step. Lucky me, I found his stupid plan just in time! Then I quickly change my pajamas and went downstairs.

"Mom! I'm going out for awhile!" I said, putting my shoes.

"It's already 3 in the evening!" Mingyu suddenly appeared in front of me and I groaned. Can my days get better than this? I want to be in those days where there's no one to disturb me.

"I'm talking to mom.. Not you." I replied and he glared at me.

"Mom!!!" I yelled.

"She's taking a bath.." Mingyu said while flipping the pages of his textbook.

"Tell her that I'm going out for awhile. I'll be back around 4 or 4:30." I said.

"Take your time and I'll take my time complaining you to mom.." He said, grinning and I glared at him.

"I'm going to kill you if you did that." I threatened but he rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Do you really think I'm scared of you? Always remember that you're my little sister and I'm not scared of you!" He said, angrily. Gosh! He's wasting my precious time!

"I don't care, you're wasting my time!" I said and quickly stormed out of the house.

Soon, I arrived at the park. It's only 5 minutes walk and this is our new spot. Yep, Jungkook and I. This is the best place to meet when we have something to deal with. And to my surprise, he was not there yet. This is strange. I'm the one who's always late! But after 10 minutes of waiting, he finally make it.

"Sorry, I took a quick shower." He said, sitting beside me and I immediately smell a fresh strawberry scent and I kinda like it.

"I have something to tell you." I said.

"What?" He asked, eyes sparking while showing me his bunny teeth.

"Don't be too happy.." I said with a sigh.

"Tell me already!" He said.

"Jungkook..." I trailed off, looking into his eyes.

"Explain this.." I said, taking out the paper from my pocket.

"Shit.." He mumbled and widen his eyes in shock.

"10 ways to make me fall in love with you. Explain.." I said with a sigh.

"I love you.." The three magic words suddenly slipped out of his mouth but I'm ready for this.

"No, you don't. It's just a crush, Jungkook.." I said, looking into his eyes but he shook his head.

"No! I did!" He argued.

"Jungkook, love is a strong word. We both know it's just a crush. Nothing more. And I can tell that you're not sincere." I said and tried to walk away but he grab my wrist.

"How dare you say my love for you is not sincere? You don't know anything!" He exclaimed.

"No, you're wrong. I know you so well! I know that you only want girls cause you want them to ride on your dick! You only play with girls and their feelings!" I argued.

"That's not true! That's a f**king joke! My love for you is sincere and I mean it!!" He said, angrily.

"You know what? I cannot return my feelings to you.." I said and I can see the sadness in his eyes but I'm not sorry. I know what's best for me. This type of guys only play with girl's feelings.

"WHAT?" He choked out weakly.

"Stop trying already.. I'm not the one for you. It's not going to happen.." With that, I left him in the park heartbroken.

I'm not sorry.. This is right. This is f**king right.


Jungkook, if Yeri rejected you please come to me😭😂!!

Who watch Twice "Yes or Yes" MV?

Well, Tzuyu was too pretty and I'm sure it's their best era too! I want Tzuyu pants🙏🙇

Please buy for me???

Anyway, please continue to vote and comment!


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