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Jungkook's Pov..

🎶The tight is high but I'm holding on, I'm gonna be your number one..🎶

"Give me one glass of beer.." I said to the bartender. After I got rejected, I end up at the club. I'm hurt. I'm out of words. But let me tell you this.. I love her. From the very first time I saw her face, I fell in love with her. But due to her bitchy attitude, I acted like I hate her to death. Funny right? How can humans be this secretive?

"Not in a good mood huh?" The bartender asked me.

"Hmm.." I replied, while sipping the beer.

"I'm Jin." He introduced.

"Jungkook.." I replied, short. Don't blame me! I'm not in the mood for talking.

"Did you got rejected by someone?" He asked and I chocked on my beer. How the f**k did he know?

"Oh.." He trailed off and gave me a tissue.

"How did you know?" I asked and took the tissue from him.

"I'm a love expert.." He said and winks at me. Ew..

"Ew.." I choked out and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious!" He argued.

"Whatever! I got rejected and it's all over now.." I said with a sigh.

"Oh dear, love is not over!" He exclaimed and I chuckled. He's funny.

"You're very funny, Jin." I said.

"Whatever! Look at the girl on the dance floor.. She has been looking at you for a quiet awhile now! Why don't you give her something?" He asked, smirking. I follow his eyes and there was a girl staring at me. And I couldn't lie. She's pretty. She's tall and sexy.

"Excuse me.." I said to Jin and make my way to the dance floor.

"Hi.. pretty lady, I'm Jungkook.." I said to the girl and kiss her palm.

"Ahn Yujin.." She replied. Hell! She's hot!

(A/N: Please no hate on Yujin

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(A/N: Please no hate on Yujin.. She's my second bias in I*zone)

"Well, I caught you staring at me.." I smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"Maybe.." She said, smiling. She's better than Yeri. She's better than Yeri. That's it!

"I want you.." I whispered in her ears.

"Babe, it's daylight.. But if you want try me.." She said.

"You're mine.." I mumbled, while grabbing her butt. Then she groaned.

"Let's go somewhere else babe.." I said to her.

"What are you waiting for? Take me wherever you want.." She said and she suddenly kiss me roughly. Wow!

"Ride on my dick tonight.." I said.


Yeri's Pov..

You know what? I don't know what to do anymore.. Guilt ate over me. I was so rude earlier. Why did I do that? He was just confessing to me. Then I don't have any choice but to text him.

Me: Jungkook........😅

Me: I'm so sorry.

Me: I don't mean to be rude to you.

Me: Can I make it up on you?

Me: Please reply me soon...

Aish! I'm so stupid! Okay, this is not right. Then I quickly make my way to Jungkook's house. I rang the doorbell and a few minutes later, Irene unnie open the door.

"Hey, Yerim.." She greeted me, warmly.

"Hey, unnie. Is Jungkook home?" I asked.

"No.. He's staying the night at Bambam's house. Why?" She asked.

"Umm.. I need to tell him something and it's really important.." I mumbled.

"Don't worry. I will give you Bambam's address.." She said and I smiled.

After Irene unnie gave me the address, I quickly make my way to Bambam's house. I rang the doorbell but no one was coming to open the door. Then with all my courage, I opened the door. This is for Jungkook. Yes! This is for him!

Then I heard noises from the living room.


"I WANT YOU SO MUCH, BABY.." It was Jungkook's voice. Then I bravely stepped in to the living room.

And you know what? Jungkook was making out with a girl. In short, it's disgusting. But most importantly, I thought he really mean it when he said his love for me is sincere.

Then, they finally notice my existence. Ugh!

"Yerim.." He choked out.

"Save it.. I thought your love for me is sincere. You said you mean it.." I said, with teary eyes. Gosh!! Why am I about to cry?! I just now proved again that he's a playboy!

Then I quickly stormed out of the house before they see my tears.



How are you guys?

Sorry if it's lame..

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Loads and loads of love💛


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