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Yeri's Pov..

Losing someone I love, I don't want to think about it. I don't want to end up like mom. Thanks to her for giving me an advice. I have so many questions to ask her but I'm saving it. I'll ask her later. You know, I want to ask her how did she met dad and all that. But now, I'm in the park waiting for Jungkook. I gave him 10 minutes but he's late. There's no sign of him.

"Hey, Yeri!" After waiting for 25 minutes, he finally make it to the park.

"You're 25 minutes and 33 seconds late!" I said, while looking at my wrist watch.

"Mianhae.. Irene noona made me do the laundry.." He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"But it's fine.." I mumbled.

"Anyway, why did you called me here?" He asked. Okay! Should I tell him? But how do I start?

"I have something to tell you." I said.

"Oh.. What is it?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and said, "Sorry for being selfish. I only wanted you to shower me with your love and I never cared about your feelings.. Sorry. The truth is, I love you. I really love you but I was afraid to accept it. If it's not late, I want to tell you that I really love you.." Then I sigh in relief.

"Yeri......" Hearing my confession, he was out of words.

"It's okay.. If it's late and if you don't want me anymore, I'll accept it. I was being a bitch---" Before I could say anything else, he pulled me into a hug. Then I immediately smell vanilla scent which I really loves..

"Yah! Who says it's late?" He asked.

"So, you mean it's not late?" I asked with eyes sparkling and he nodded.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked and I nodded, blushing.

"Yes or no?" He asked smirking.

"Y-yes.." I stuttered.

"Ahhhh... This feels so good!" He said and I smiled.

"I'm so sorry for everything.." I said.

"No problem.." He smiled. Then there was an awkward silence for a few minutes. All I can hear is his loud breathing. Is he nervous?

"Yeri?" He suddenly called.

"Hmm.." I hmm in response.

"Do you really want to be my girlfriend?" He asked. What did he mean?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The thing is that I really love you with all my heart but I don't want to rush you. Is your feelings for me really clear? If not, I can wait.." He said, sincerity in his eyes. God! Where's the old Jeon dick head?! Lord! Please give me back the old Jeon Jungkook!

"You know what? I don't like the new you. I really hate it. And by the way, I'm clear about my feelings for you!" I said, confidently and he chuckled.

"That's good to hear." He said. Seriously?! I want the old Jeon Jungkook! OK! I'll admit it! I like the perverted ass more!

"I don't like the new you! Change back to the perverted dick head right now!" I exclaimed.

"YAH! Am I really that pervert?! It was all an acting to make you fall in love with me!" He said, rolling his eyes.

"Cause the new you is boring! Anyway, will you promise me three things?" I asked.

"Hmm.. It depends on what you ask for.." He mumbled.

"Okay! Number one is, don't ever cheat on me or never flirt with another girl?" I asked and he nodded confidently.

"And number two?" He asked.

"No kissing yet.." I said and he frowned.

"Because I'm not ready yet!" I quickly said and he nodded slowly. Okay! The last one will prove something!

"The last one is, we will never have sex before marriage!"


YOU SEE?! He says it was just an acting to make me fall in love with him but guess what? His face is saying it all. He sure is a perverted dick head!



How are you?

I want to apologise to all of you. I know that I never reply to your precious comments but you guys knew that I read every single one of them right?

From now on, I'll try to reply your comments.

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