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Yeri's Pov..

"What are you doing here?!" I hissed and pulled him out of our school. Yep, him. Jeon f**king Jungkook.

"What am I doing here? I'm here to take you home. Let's go home together sweetie.." He said and I rolled my eyes. You know what? He was waiting for me in front of our school gate. Is he out of his mind? I don't want people to think the wrong way!

"Just going to school together in the morning doesn't mean we need to walk home together again!" I said in annoyance. People may think that I'm his f**king girlfriend and I don't want that to happen.

"I don't care.. My friends ditch me." He said.

"I don't believe you.." I said and he scoffed.

"Then don't! Just walk home with me!" He said, frustratedly and I somehow pitied him.

"What happen?" I asked.

"Nothing much. Your brother and Yugyeom had detention an--"

"What?! Detention? Why?" I cuts him off and he rolled his eyes at me. Ugh.. What did I do?

"Can you just let me finish?" He asked.

"I don't care.. Spill it out already!" I said.

"They were throwing papers at each other during class interval." He said.

"Tell me more! Did college detentions last long?" I asked, excitedly.

"Yes, 5 hours of detention but why are you so happy? Know that it will effect your brother's grade.." He said. Oh dick head! That is the reason why I'm so happy! I want to see Mingyu suffering cause he enjoys watching me suffer!

"I want to see him suffer cause he loves watching me suffer!" I said.

"Gosh.. I will thank God for not making you as my sister.." Jungkook said.

"Go ahead!" I said, confidently.

"But for making you my baby girl.." He said. What the f**k!

"Go to hell, pervert.." I mumbled.

"Stop saying curse words. Grow up, it's already 2018." He said.

"Back to topic! What about Bambam and Jaehyun?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Bambam leaves early cause something urgent came up. And Jaehyun had to give English and Maths tuitions.." He said.

"What? He gave tuitions? To whom?" I asked surprised.

"To grade 5 students from different schools." He said. Wow!!!

"Don't show me that face. I know he's smart." He added.

"And are you jealous of him?" I asked. I'm sure he is.

"Nah.. I'm handsome unlike him and not to mention that girls are drooling over me so, I'm not." He said and winked at me.

I wouldn't lie. I knew girls are really drooling over him cause they kept on staring at him when he showed up at our school gate.

"Anyway, treat me ice-cream!" I ordered.

"What? Why did you always told me to treat you? I already treated you before and it's your turn!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"I'll treat you next time! I promise.." I said.

"You better do.. C'mon!" Then he drag me with him.

And after a few minutes, we spotted an old lady selling cotton candies and Ice-creams of course.

"Good evening, kids.." The old lady greeted us warmly.

"Good evening, halmeoni! We want ice-creams!" Jungkook said, showing his bunny teeth. Wait? What?!! I don't know that he have a bunny teeth!

"Oh, choose whatever you want.." She said to us.

"I want red flavor!" Jungkook cheered. You know what? I never see this side of Jungkook. The cheerful and happy side.

"Me too! I want red flavor, vanilla flavor, strawberry flavor, chocolate flavor, pineapple flavor, orange flavor, gr--"

"Oh stop! Who's going to buy all that?" He asked.

"You.." I said with a pout.

"Excuse you? When did I say that? I'm only buying you one!" He said.

"Don't be stingy.. I will pay you back.. Please Jungkook!" I begged with puppy eyes.

"You two are the cutest couple I've ever seen." The old lady suddenly said. WHAT?!

"Halmeoni, we ar---"

"Thank you halmeoni!!" Jungkook cuts me off and beamed widely.VThis dick head! I want to kill him like really!

"I'm afraid that she'll catch cold and that's why I always scold her but she won't listen to me." He added and put his arm around my shoulder.

Oh shit! You're so going to get it, Jeon f**king dick head! First, you kiss my forehead without my permission and second, you said I'm your girlfriend in front of this pure halmeoni and lastly, for putting your f**king arm around my shoulder!

"So, are you going to buy all?" Halmeoni asked.

"Yep.. I can't let her down.. Please pack up all of those flavors." He said and wink at me.

Still! I'm going to kill you!


Chapter 12 updated!

What do you think of this Chapter?

If it's lame, I'm sorry.

But I want to tell you that I've tried my very best!

I love you!

See you💞♥


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