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"Aaaaahhhh!!!! Stop it!!" Jungkook screams in pain.

School was dismissed half an hour ago and Yeri was in the Café with Jungkook, slapping him unstoppably.

"I hate you to the moon and back, you byuntae!" She exclaimed.

"Shit! Stop it already, you're embarrassing me!" Jungkook groaned.

"How dare you lie to me about Bambam?! How dare you!" She continue to slapped him on the arms angrily.

"I don't know what you're talking about sweetie! Let's talk about this properly without slapping!" Jungkook said. He was really thankful that there were only around twelve or thirteen people in the Café today. If not, he'll be really embarrassed because of Yeri's actions. But some of them found the two really cute while some of them didn't mind what they're doing.

"Bambam is not engaged to that girl! He's not engaged to anybody! Why did you lie to me?!" She asked and finally stop slapping him.

"How can you be so sure? If I say he's engage, he is." Jungkook said, folding his arms and Yeri scoffed.

"I asked him and he said he's not engaged to anybody!" Yeri exclaimed and Jungkook jaw's dropped.

"You asked him?! Why did you asked him?! Did you tell him that I told you?" He asked.

"Of course not! I'm sick of you taking revenge on me." Yeri said and Jungkook sigh in relief.

"Thank god.. Shut your big mouth and don't make any mess, understand?" Jungkook asked.

"Why will I obey you? You're not my dad plus, are you scared of Bambam?" Yeri asked back rolling her eyes.

"For your information, I'm not scared of anyone!" Jungkook said.

"Ha! Whatever! Who's the girl in the picture? If you tell me one damn lie again, you're dead!" Yeri warned with firing eyes.

"Why do you care? Are you planning on something? If I'm right, you better not. He's not the one for you." This time, Jungkook was serious as f**k. Why? It's not the right time for me to say. It's for you to find out😉..

"Why? And answer my question! Who's the girl in the picture?" But Yeri doesn't seem to sense his seriousness.

"Ugh.. She's Lisa." Jungkook sigh in defeat. He tried to look scary but nothing work. Why? The girl he's dealing with is Kim Yerim, not an ordinary girl.

"Okay! And what kind of relationship did they have?" She asked.

"Nothing much. Both their parents are business partners and they really wanted the two of them to get along but they can't." Jungkook said.

"But why?" Yeri asked again.

"Why are you so interested? It's not your life." Jungkook said.

"Just tell me.. I want to know more!" Yeri begged and Jungkook raised his hands up in defeat.

"Fine! There's a girl name Minnie and she and Bambam was in a strong relationship until Lisa appears. They---"

"What did Lisa do to them?!" Yeri cuts him off and Jungkook groaned in annoyance.

"Will you let me finish?" He asked.

"Oh yea.. Sorry, continue!" Yeri said smiling.

"Lisa didn't do anything. But since their parents want them to be together, Bambam wouldn't continue his relationship with Minnie so he broke up with her. And one night while he had a force dinner with Lisa, he got a call saying that Minnie involved in a serious car accident. And till today, she's in coma still not waking up." Jungkook said with a sigh.

"How many days or years is it now?" Yeri asked.

"It's been 3 years now." Jungkook said.

"What a love story! And did he get along with Lisa now?" She asked.

"No, never! He's bullying her. He always look at her like she was some piece of shit. And we all feel really bad for her. Bambam blames her for Minnie's accident." Jungkook said.

"But this has nothing to do with Lisa! What the hell! Did Lisa do something when she got bullied?!" Yeri asked, frustratedly.

"Nah.. She loves Bambam and she couldn't do anything. She's afraid to lose him. And this is why I told you not to have any feelings for Bambam if you don't want to end up like a trash. He's fated with Lisa and he'll accept it someday.." Jungkook said and there was a silence.

"Question?!" Yeri asked, raising up her right hand.

"What?" Jungkook asked.

"If they're not in a good terms, how come they took a picture together?" Yeri asked.

This is it!

"Umm.. Haha, I edited it. That was fake. It was photoshop.." He said, stretching the back of his neck nervously and Yeri immediately glared at him.

"Why did you do that?! To make me jealous?!" Yeri asked with firing eyes. To be honest, she was jealous as f**k when Jungkook showed her the picture. And she couldn't stop thinking about it all day.

"Not to make you a jealous bitch but to remind you that you only belong to me! That's a good reminder isn't it?" He asked.

Then, Yeri stood up from her seat and walk out of the Café angrily. She had enough for today.

"Yah! Sweetie?! Where are you going?! We need to buy Mingyu's birthday gift!!" Jungkook being Jungkook, he quickly chased after her.



How are you guys?

I can smell the winter air now and I can't wait for Christmas!

Please continue to vote and comment!

Last, thank you for reading this story and I'm going to update soon, please look out for that.

See you😘💗


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