The One Where We Meet

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"Are you sure you want to do this Dahlia?"she asks me with a worried face.

Emily my one and only friend knows I've never left the country. Other than a few vacations in Mexico with my family.

"Not entirely sure on anything at this point." Ive never left the country but South Korea seems like such and exiting opportunity.

"So then why are you going!!!" She seems exasperated. Worried even.

"Becaus I've always wanted to go and its all expenses paid!"

"But its for work, there wont be much tourism to do.." she pouts.

Shes right but theres a high chance of meeting celebrities. I might not speak the language but i am obsessed with kpop and kdramas.

This trip is courtesy of my boss. Maggie. Shes a little older than me but a professional photographer non the less. Shes been asked to photograph this big concert in a week. She wasnt specified on the act but very well paid. She couldn't turn it down.

"You're going to miss me aren't you?!" I yell dramatically at her.

"Shes scoffs, "as if, I'm just jealous you get to go." She starts to giggle and its very contagious.

"Don't worry chickadee ill be back in two weeks tops!"

"Ew, don't call me that! I'm not a kid anymore." She wines.

"Coulda fooled me." I laugh at her.

I finish packing. Its going to be a long trip and i have to wake up early.

I decide to hit the sack early. To a few retorts from Emily wanting to stay up our last night together before i leave.

We share an apartment in the infamous city of Chicago. Its not that big two bed rooms a small living room and kitchen, one bathroom. All for the bargain price of $1,200 a month, utilities included.

Its another reason why i took the job. I need the money. Its never a bad idea to have savings.


I woke up 4 hours early to get to the AirPort, i hate being late for gate checks.

Im also very paranoid about flights leaving me behind.

I go through the regular stuff, baggage check, picking up my ticket. Security check, and before i leave i turn to Emily who looks like shes about to cry.

"Please don't cry, you're gonna make me cry!" I say a little emotionally.

"I know, i know I'm just gonna miss you!" She sobs between words.

"I promise i will be back in a week, you wont even know I'm gone." I smile at her.

We hug goodbye and after a few more emotional words i leave for my gate.


As I'm exiting the plane i turn on my phone which has been set for international usage.

I get a text from my boss.


And i receive a second text with an address to where we are staying.

I text Emily next.


The flight landed around 10pm so it must be around 7am in Chicago. I'll just call her later.

As I'm doing all this I'm walking to to the exit since i only have a small suit case and my hand bag.

Im not watching where I'm going and all of a sudden i bump into a strong back.

I apologize as I'm panicking "I'm sorry, I'm SO sorry!" I beg.

And i remembered the few Korean phrases i know one of them being I'm sorry. Who knew it would be the first thing i say to a Korean.

"mian hamnida" i say as i bow. And as i study the persons reactions i notice A. Its a man and B. He's wearing dark sun glasses and a hat to cover his face but even with all of that i can tell he's handsome.

What happened next was,so quick i could not even comprehend what exactly went on.

People pushing and flashes everywhere, I'm being pushed and tripped and elbowed out of the way.

Finally I find solid ground distance away from the crazy crowd. Shaking it off i search for a taxi. Wondering what the hell that was about.

Hailing a cab i head for the hotel. Knocking out as soon as i walk through the door. Jet lag is not my favorite.


Waking up early to get ready is not my cup of tea but I might as well look presentable on my first day here.

Settling for a long striped tank with leggings and some black chucks since i should still be comfortable enough to walk around.

I take another cab to the location Maggie texted this morning.

As i get there theirs a whole lot of screaming girls all around. Maybe I'm in the wrong place...

I get out and walk to the front I'm stopped by a security guard but i show him the pass the boss left for me at the front desk and he lets me slip by.

Walking through this deserted hallway i receive, no wait more like I'm bombarded with videos from Emily.

One of her dancing with a cute guy, another of her taking a shot and another of her just messing around.

Then out of no where this guys runs straight at me and we tumble to the floor.

It took me a second to realize what was happening.

First its the second time since I've gotten here that i bump in to someone,

Second its not just anyone its the same guy i bumped into at the airport,

AND third, probably the most shocking one yet, upon closer inspection i realize who he is. I cant believe i didn't see it the first time.

And fourth to my surprise and dismay somewhere through the collision he's landed on top of me.

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