We're moving where?!!

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"Hey Dad, where are we moving to?" I asked while packing my suitcase

"You'll see, I think you'll like it," he said walking past my room soon we were packed and headed toward the airport. When we were walking to our gate my dad handed me the passport and ticket 

"Japan?!" he nodded I internally squealed "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" I exclaimed hugging him tightly

"Thank the company. Because of them promoting me we get to move to Japan" he explained 

"Still, this is awesome! We get to live in Japan, I've always wanted to live there!" 

"Don't be too excited, it's a long way there" mom said I nodded. I couldn't wait to get there.


1 year later 

"Ugh," I groaned as my tutor droned on about numbers

"Do you have something to say Laura?" he asked 

"Yes, can we stop for today?" 

"Sorry, we can't, there is still a lot to learn" I groaned again. He thought "How about a short break then we'll continue" within seconds I was already in my room

"Thank god, I thought he would never stop talking" I laid on my bed 

'Why do I have to do this? Can't I just go to a normal school? -- Oh yeah my dad is rich and it's gone to his head' 

Ever since we moved here everything has changed. My dad the most well-known business person because of his company. My mom is the head nurse at a very well known hospital and I'm the daughter of them both. I'm being privately tutored to become my dad's successor for the company. He's not even the head of the company. Frustrated I groaned again 

'Hm, I'm going to go out for a bit. We are on a break' getting up I looked out my bedroom door. Seeing no one I walked down the hall and out the house. 

While I walked down the street I passed by a pet store. There was a box of kittens inside for sale. Going inside I walked to the kittens 

"Cute, aren't they?" I jumped at the sudden voice. It was an older boy

"They are, I wish I could take one of them home" pouting I picked up a black kitten with white markings 

"Parents won't let you?" I nodded "Ah," he responded

"Why don't you take one home?"

"I would but I already have too many"

"Must be a lot then" I said

"Yep it is," he said "You want to go get coffee?" he offered I was surprised

"Um sure I have nothing else to do now" I smiled lying. We went over to a café that was close by

"What do you want?" the waitress asked

"I'll have a cappuccino" he answered

"I'll just have hot chocolate," I said she went off taking the order 

"I never got your name?" I asked

"Riku, what about you?" 

"Laura," I said

"That's an interesting name, I've never heard that before"

"Probably because it's not from here," I said

"So you moved here?" I nodded

"About a year ago,"

"Wow why did you move here?" he asked as the waitress came back with our order

"My dad's job gave him a promotion which caused us to move out here" I told him sipping my hot chocolate

"Ah so where does your dad work?" he asked

"Sorry I don't really like talking about that" I hated talking about that

"Oh sorry" he apologized

"It's ok. I hate how people react when I tell them" looking down I saw the time was 4:45 PM 

'My parents are going to be pissed' I smirked 

"Sorry I have to go. I enjoyed this" I thanked him 

"Oh, no problem. I hope to see you around here more often," he said I smiled back as I headed home. 

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