Asahi Rai is a stalker

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My alarm went off the next morning groaning I shut it off and rolled over "Ugh I don't want to go" I groaned Coco barked "Ok fine" I said getting up and putting on my uniform before heading to the kitchen to eat something. I headed to the school after grabbing my bag and locking the house when I got there I was immediately tackled into a hug, by someone 

"Oh my gosh, Railey where have you been?" Akari asked worriedly 

"What was that Wednesday? You just ran out and then call in sick? What actually happened?" Riko asked crossing his arms I looked down 

"My grandma died due to a heart attack suddenly Wednesday. The call I got was from the hospital so I went straight there without thinking not believing it was true she was dead. The funeral was yesterday" I explained to them Akari hugged me again along with Riko 

"I am so sorry I freaked out we didn't know," she said 

"You never told us so we couldn't have known," Riko said 

"Thank you guys, I'm sorta ok now I just didn't want to miss another day of school," I said walking 

"Well, don't worry because we are here for you if you ever need something," Akari said slinging her arm around me 

"Yeah just call us if you need anything" Riko added I smiled as we headed to class. The rest of the day was normal 

"Hey, guys have you heard?" Riko asked 

"Heard what?" I asked 

"Asahi Rai has been hanging out at some small cafe," Riko said 

"Wait, who's Asahi Rai?" I asked 

"He's one of the top popular boys in the school he's popular because of his looks," Akari said 

"And he's a huge flirt" Riko added 

"Do you know what cafe?" Akari asked Riko shrugged 

"Just heard it was a cafe don't know where"

"Hm I guess you should stay away from cafes until this news dies down or you'll be trampled by girls," Akari said I nodded 

"Thanks," I said finishing my lunch as the bell rang for the end of lunch. The rest of the day went by slow with me ending up with so much homework "Ugh why was homework even invented" I complained carrying the heavy books home "I should get a bike that would help" I thought 

"Need help?" Someone asked 

"Um no I'm good thanks any—" it was Asahi "are you stalking me now dude like seriously what is so interesting about me?" I exaggerated fasting walking away from him he chuckled 

"It's not my fault I go to the same school as you" I stopped and turned around seeing the school's symbol on his uniform 'oh great' 

"Let me guess your last name is Rai? Asahi Rai right?" I asked sarcastically 

"Yes, are you stalking me now?" He asked 

"No, of course not, why would I stalk someone like you?" I shot back trying to get away from him but tripping and falling "Ah!" I yelled expecting to hit the ground but didn't feel anything. I opened my eye to see the ground beneath me but I was being held up. I turned my head and saw that Asahi was holding me up with his arm holding my shirt "Let go of me!" I said he did which caused me to fall forwards but I stopped myself with my hands. Hastily I picked up my books 

"Here, let me help," he said reaching for a book but I pulled it away in time 

"I'm good thanks" I retorted getting up and walking again

"Did I do something to offend you?" He asked while walking with me 

"Let's see, asking if I go to that cafe often, annoying me" I hinted 

"Well, the cafe thing was because I kept seeing you there and sorry if I annoyed you. You just seem like an interesting girl to talk to since your name is different" he said 

"I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment?" I said 

"It's a compliment jeez are you always this cold?" He asked 

"Only to certain people, you just happen to be one of them" I pointed out "Anyways if you will excuse me I got to get home to do some homework," I said walking away from him 

"Well sorry but my house is this way too," he said walking with me I groaned 

"Just stay away from me ok," I said walking way ahead after a couple miles I started feeling weird about this as I was way ahead of him. Taking out my phone I looked at the screen to see him looking down at me his eyes adverted to my skirt 'pervert' I thought walking faster eventually turning a corner to losing him. He fell for it as he kept walking confused as to where I went, I continued walking when he was out of my sight. Eventually, I got home and started on the homework that I had. I feel asleep through some of it but then woke up to Coco barking at the door "Coco what is it?" I asked coming at and seeing he was scratching at the door "do you need to go out here" I said opening the door he rushed out and barked at something before a thump and yell was heard "Coco no!" I yelled running out seeing that he was on top of someone barking at them"Bad Coco what are you doing? I am so sorry" I said pulled Coco off of them they stood up and brushed themselves off

"Why does that dog hate me so much?" The person asked confused I looked at the person since I couldn't see much I ran and flicked on the light outside. It was Asahi was standing there 

"What the hell are you doing here?! Now you're actually stalking me!" I yelled at him almost letting Coco go wanting him to go after him 

"Ok sorry that I just happen to walk by where you live on the way to someone else's house" he replied 

"I don't believe you," I said crossing my arms 

"Well it's the truth," he said 

"Then you better hurry along before I release Coco again" I smirked evilly his face went scared before running away "Yeah that's what I thought wimp," I said walking back inside the house. I threw Coco a treat he caught it in his mouth I smiled before groaning "What am I going to eat?" I asked walking into the kitchen looking through the fridge and cabinets finally deciding on some leftovers walking back into my room continuing on my homework. Opening my eyes I saw that I was still at my desk the next morning 'I must have fallen asleep' I thought as I rubbed my eyes and got up "Time for school" I said stretching walking to my closet.

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