First day complete

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I walked a couple of miles before reaching the store "I don't know if they allow pets," I said looking down at Coco who was panting looking back at me, "Can you sit Coco?" he sat down looking up at me. Smiling I tied his leash to a pole "Stay here" I told him before walking inside. The list I had wasn't long but finding the items took a while. Every so often I would look over at Coco to make sure he didn't run off

"Is this all for you?" The cashier asked ringing up the items. I nodded "Ok that will be 234.5 yen," they said as I pulled out the money a thought came to mind 

'Odd I don't know her name'  just now realizing that. They gave me my change back and handed me the bag of items

"Have a great rest of the evening" they said I smiled back while walking out toward Coco.

"Good boy," I said untying his leash and heading back. As I walked the area around looked sketchy in the dark "Let's hurry back Coco" we picked up the pace back to the house. When we got to the front door my breathing was labored 

'I'm so out of shape' 

"I'm back," I said opening the door and taking the leash off Coco. Walking into the kitchen, the lady was furiously cooking and preparing dinner "Wow" I said setting the bags down on the counter 

"Oh, you're back. Did you get everything?" She asked

"Yes ma'am, by the way, what is your name?" I asked her 

"Satomi Ogata" she answered 

"So do you need help with anything?" I asked she pointed to a bowl behind her on the counter 

"I need you to stir," she told me. Walking over I started stirring for a couple of moments before she started throwing other ingredients in.

Eventually, dinner was ready

"Finally," I said as we sat down and ate. As I took a bite of the food I was shocked "Oh my gosh, this is so good!" I yelled practically stuffing my face before I stopped, realizing what I was doing. "Sorry, it's just, this is really good. What is this?" I asked her 

"It's a stew that my family used to make," she said eating it 

"It is really good and you're a really amazing cook," I told her 

"Why thank you" 

"You're welcome" after dinner was finished I helped clean up before heading to bed. While getting ready Coco came into the room "What are you doing boy?" I asked petting his head. He jumped onto the bed laying down

"Seems he wants to sleep with you tonight," Satomi said standing in the doorway

"You don't mind if he sleeps with me?" she shook her head before then walked away. I smiled then climbed into bed and went to sleep. 

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