Move in day

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My alarm blared the next morning, rolling over I turned it off groaning I got up 'Wait isn't today a weekend?' I thought looking at my calendar 'Oh yeah it is. Wait that means shit' I thought throwing something on, quickly eating breakfast before taking Coco and heading over to the ramen shop "Hey I'm here" I said walking into the shop

"Oh good you're here, put this on and start getting this place set for today," he said handing me a white apron. I put it on then started bringing chairs down and setting up tables eventually everything was ready and people started coming in. I would make Coco sit and wait until people left for him to clean then I would go over and clean. It really started picking up at lunchtime almost being packed in here. At the end of the day, we had done well

"You did well today and that dog too," the old man said setting out two bowls of ramen "These are for you two for working so hard on the house," he said 

"Oh wow thank you, sir, so much," I said setting one bowl down then sitting on a chair eating the other one. I helped clean up and set everything up for closing before I headed home. While I was walking home I got a text from Akari 

Hey if you want to move into the dorm you can. They'll allow you to move in with an application since there are already people in this dorm you don't need to. 

'Oh wow I guess I better start packing' 

Sure if you want you can come over and help me pack up

Yeah totally I'm doing nothing tomorrow anyways send me your address

I sent her the address then put my phone up 'Good thing we close early tomorrow' I thought when I got home I got out some boxes starting to packing up everything. I was woken up by something wet and a blaring sound, opening my eyes it was Coco licking my face and my alarm going off. I turned off my alarm and sat up I looked around and it seemed I fell asleep while packing up stuff. Yawning I got up and got dressed before heading to work. Today wasn't as busy but steady and the owner let me off at 2 since we started slowing down after lunch. As I was walking home I saw Asahi with some girl and by how he looked he was not interested in whatever they were talking about. He kept walking away while the girl was talking to him not wanting to interrupt I didn't say anything but kept walking until Asahi noticed me

"Hey, Railey!" He yelled jogging over to me ditching the girl 

"Hey who was that?" I asked 

"Just some girl from school who's really annoying" I laughed 

"She's annoying and not you?" I joked 

"Hey!" He said 

"I'm kidding you're not as annoying now," I told him 

"That's still not any better. So where are you headed?" He asked 

"Back to the house to pack up my stuff so I can move into the girl's dorm," I told him 

"Oh what about that house?" I groaned 

"I'm getting kicked out since the original owner is gone and I can't pay rent every month," I told him 

"Ah well, I'm sorry to hear that do you need help I'm free right now?" He offered 

"No I should be good, I have a friend coming over to help," I said as we walked up to my house and seeing Akari sitting on the steps waiting

"See ya," I said 

"Bye," he said walking away I walked up to the house opening the door 

"Don't tell me that was you talking to Asahi?!" She asked shock on her face 

"Sure I guess, he's not that bad really," I said walking inside 

"Girl, you are so lucky," Akari said walking inside looking around the house "Wow you've been busy," she said 

"I just started yesterday but I've got most of what I want to bring packed up," I said 

"Well let's get started so we can be finished," she said sitting next to a box.

By the time we got everything done, it was 5 pm

"Jeez that took forever" Akari complained laying back exhausted 

"But it's finally done and we can probably get some of this moved in can't we?" I asked 

"We'll need a truck for it," she said that's when I dialed the number for a moving truck to come 

"Ok thanks," I said hanging up

"You got one?" She asked I nodded 

"Now let's move everything that is going to the front of the house to make it easier," I said moving a box to the front. Eventually, the truck came and we packed everything up heading to the dorm

"It's that building," Akari said as we pulled up near the building. We took a few boxes at a time up to the dorm

"Finally," I said panting with all the boxes in and done

"Railey this is Shiki, Shiki this is Railey" Akari introduces

"Hey," Shiki said I waved at her 

"I'm gonna unpack some then go to bed. Night" I said walking into my room 

"Night," they said responded I started unpacking and organizing everything as Coco was laying on my bed.

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