Getting registered

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The next day I went to that high school nearby to get registered there

"Are you sure you want to go alone? I can go with you since they might need a guardian there" grandma said

"You really don't have to go and your friends are waiting on you," I told her

"Ok just call me if you need anything," she said

"I will see ya later," I said walking out of the door and toward the high school. When I got there I went through the gate and toward the building. There were students throughout the hallways standing and talking to their friends. I didn't know where the principal's office was, I had to look for an adult, I saw a janitor close by 

"Um sir," I said


"Do you know where the principal's office is?" I asked him

"Sure I have to go past there anyways so follow me," he said leading me. When we got there I waved at him and thanked him before knocking on the door

"Come in" opening the door there was a man in his late 40s sitting at a huge oak wood desk

"Hi, sir I'm Riley Hughes. I came to get register today," I told him

"That's great, take a seat. Is it just you here?" He asked I nodded "Well I would have liked your parent with you but that's ok," he said pulling out a packet of paper "I just need you to sign these. You can take them home and bring them back tomorrow since you need a parents signature on some of them," he said then pulled out a uniform wrapped in plastic "This is what you'll be wearing every day you are here. There is a fee to get your uniform and attend here. It's explained in the packet and everything for you to know. Would you like a tour around the campus?" He asked I nodded

"Yes sir very much," I said getting up we walked out of his office and down the hallways. The place was huge with two buildings connected to the first building I first walked into. One building was meant for middle schoolers while the other was for high schoolers. The building in the middle of them held elective classes, the cafeteria, gym, and other extra classrooms. After the tour, he gave me a map of the campus before I headed back to the house.

When I got back, grandma was already there

"Back so soon?" I asked

"Eh we lost," she said, she plays bingo with her friends somewhere,

"Ah," I said sitting down at the table reading through the packet

"So how was the school ?" She asked

"Huge, he even gave me a map for it" I exaggerated she laughed "Plus we have to wear uniforms which is dumb"

"That's how the schools are here hon," she said folding some clothes

"Ugh, I don't like it. Why does it have to be so different from America?" 

"I don't know. I just know you'll have to get used to it,"

"Well I have to read through this and sign it," I told her. When I told her she had to sign it she gave me that 'I told you so' look "Don't give me that look" I said going back to the packet. During dinner, I finished reading it and signed it before handing it to grandma. She read through it too and signed it.

"I don't think you had to read through it,"

"It's good to know what you are about to sign" she advised. Shrugging I agreed with her before we cleaned up dinner.

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