Together at last

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Everything went well for the couple days after the incident but as time went on neither mom or dad even contacted me. About what was happening making me wonder what had happened. They wouldn't even pick up their phone when I called them

"I'm worried about them," I told my friends as we were sitting at lunch one day

"Maybe they are just really busy" Riko suggested

"My dad yeah, mom no she stays home now," I told them

"I would at least go and see about them," Asahi said

"Yeah it's odd they said they would send you something but they haven't said anything." Kaito pointed out

"I'm getting on a train tonight and heading over there to see what is going on," I said as lunch finished up we walked back to class. Getting back to the dorm I grabbed some clothes and Coco before getting on a train back home. It seemed quicker to get back then it was to get here when the train stopped it was about 6 o'clock at night. When I arrived I got off and headed back home, I saw there were trucks and cars all in the driveway 'Weird' I thought walking up to the house and turning the knob going inside "Hello?" I called out someone came down the stairs before breaking the platter they were holding

"Miss Laura is home!" the woman yelled out running back upstairs and throughout the house yelling. Everyone came into the living room all surprised that I was here

"So you finally came back home," my dad said mom ran up and hugged me

"I just wanted to see what was happening and if everything is alright?" I told them

"Your dad and I are getting a divorce" mom said 

"Wait, why?" I asked shocked

"She says that I'm not thinking of our future and that now I'm too controlling" my dad explained

"That's because you are! You made our daughter run away since you wouldn't let her live like she wanted to. You went to where she was living threatened her to come home and got yourself arrested. This is not you" she said

"Is it so wrong that she has everything she could ask for right here, right now? I could give her an education without the worry about money and getting in somewhere for a job to support herself" my dad defended himself 

"But she doesn't want to do that she is doing perfectly fine where she is now," my mom said defending 'Wow this is serious' "anyways what is taking so long is the papers and moving my stuff out of here," mom said

"I'll help you, there is a house for sale that I was living in before getting kicked out but I don't know if you can pay it," I told her

"I'm finding a good paying job where you are right now plus what I have in the bank will last a long time," she said dad stormed away from us "Let's go upstairs," she said as we went upstairs packing some stuff up. The next few days I helped with putting stuff away as the papers were getting ready for the divorce, mom bought the Satomi's house and got a job as a good newsperson on TV with some big place. When the papers were done Mom and I headed immediately over to Bibai moving into the house again. Everything had come together for once, I was living with my mom back in Satomi's house with Coco and was stilling going to school with all my friends supporting me. 

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