You can't hide from the past forever

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Railey's POV:

It had been a few days after that night with Asahi and me and so far everything is going perfectly like I would want them too. Only our friend group knows about us no one else, Asahi is more relaxed around me now with him goofing off and teasing me. He is always making me laugh about something that is stupid and I haven't been threatened anymore by anyone.

"Hey Railey you want to come over we are having a video game night, you should join" Kaito offered

"Sorry Kaito, Asahi and I had something planned for tonight" Kaito groaned

"Dude you two are like stuck together, you are always together for everything" he complained

"Well it's kind of what couples do," Akari said making sure that no one heard the couple part

"Exactly Akari, thank you," I said

"But you know you can do other stuff apart without the other right?" Riko asked

"Yeah we know" Asahi commented

"We just like being together," I said looking at Asahi and smiling

"Well call us when you get bored doing something then all of us can go do something," Kaito said we all laughed at that. After school I went to the ramen shop to work and then waited for Asahi to get there so we could go out, we went out to some fancy restaurant then walked around in the park. I was happy to have someone to spend time with like this as I was thinking something reminded me of back home making my stomach drop 'Oh shit. I haven't told anyone about that. How will I break that to them?' suddenly my mind spiraled into a pit of thoughts as I wondered how they would react and what I would tell them

"Railey, are you alright you haven't answered me?" I heard Asahi asked giving me a concerned look

"Yeah sorry, I just totally got stuck in my own thoughts," I said sighing

"Hey it's ok anyway the question wasn't really that important," he said

"What was it anyway?" I asked

"When am I going to meet your parents? I mean yeah their in America but couldn't we skype or something just so I can meet them. Do they even know you're dating me?" He asked making me even more scared

"No, they don't, they don't even know that I'm dating anyone," I told him embarrassed

"Oh, well if you don't want me to meet them that is alright," he said as we started walking back to my dorm. When we got there my dad was standing there waiting for me "Asahi I'll see you later" I told him. When he was away I stood there staring at my dad "What are you doing here? How did you even find me?" I asked him as to why or how he knew I was here

"One of your friends called Tsukiko, I think" he responded 'That fucking bitch!' I thought ready to kill her for this

"Pack up your stuff. You are coming home right now" he said pointing at the dorm

"No, I will never go back! You guys don't care about what I want! I'm actually doing well here, hell even better than at that place you call home!" I yelled at him

"Don't you raise your voice at me!" he growled back

"You can't tell me what to do anymore I live on my own now, I have a job and am going to school. No thanks to you!" I yelled at him before walking past him, he grabbed my arm "Let go of me" I said pulling away from him

"You are coming home with me right now!" he commanded trying to drag me with him, I bite his arm than ran into the dorm shutting and locking the door behind me. I sighed as I walked to my room closing the door and sitting down. Coco came up to me since I dropped her off after work before going with Asahi

"Coco my dad is here. He wants to take me away from here" Coco growled at hearing this "I know but the real problem is how am I going to tell my friends and Asahi about me?" I asked he grunted "I'm thinking of doing it tomorrow for everyone but telling Akari tonight so she will know," I told Coco he nudged my hand meaning yes. I got up and walked to Akari's room knocking on it "Akari can I talk to you?" I asked her the door opened with her standing there "Sure what is it?" she asked I stepped into the room and sat on her bed "Please close the door" I said looking down she did then walk over to me "Railey what's wrong?" I about laughed at that name

"I'm sorry but my name isn't Railey," I told her confusion appeared on her face

"What do you mean you told me that your name was Railey," she said

"I'm going to tell you something that not anyone, right now, knows" I began she nodded

"My family moved here to Japan because my dad got a promotion and they wanted him to be closer to their headquarters so we moved here. It was nice and all but eventually my dad wanted me to go into the business that he was working for and made me have a private tutor teaching me stuff that I would have to know to go into the business but I didn't want that so I ran away and came here. I got a place to live from the lady Satomi when she died I had to move out of her house to here. She acted like a mother understanding me and helping me even if she didn't know who I was exactly but still helped me. I didn't want you guys to know who I really was since I thought that would change the way you thought of me and be like 'oh she's just being a brat, she has everything she ever wants'. I'm telling you this because my dad is outside the dorm right now and wants to take me away from here and back home" I explained everything to Akari her face was straight with no sign of emotion

"So what's your actual name?" she asked

"Laura Moore, my dad works for--"

"Your dad works for one of the biggest banks here in Japan!" she exclaimed I nodded "No wonder you didn't tell us. You guys are millionaires and you have your whole life planned out in front of you" she said understanding everything now

"Now that you know about me are you willing to let my dad take me away, back to my home?" I asked her

"Why would you think I would say yes? No, just because you didn't tell me about your life and who you actually are doesn't mean I haven't forgotten the time you've been here! Hell, you are one of the few people who I trust. He is not taking you away from us" she told me, my eyes teared up, I jumped up and hugged her crying

"Thank you so much! You really are my best friend!" I told her crying, even more, feeling so happy that she accepted me. I went back to my room with a smile on my face and tears staining my face. 

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