Stalker's name is Asahi

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We walked down the street and around for several minutes until my stomach growled "looks like we are headed somewhere to eat aren't we boy" I said looking around at the shops "I wonder if this place allows pets?" I asked walking inside a Ramen shop. 

"Welcome" am old man greeted me 

"Hi," I said sitting on a high bar stool by the counter that overlooked all the cooking 

"What would you like?" He asked 

"Um, one beef wait, two beef bowls," I told him 

"Wow," he said before cooking them, soon he gave me one I set it down on the floor quickly as I took the next one 

"Thank you," I said before digging in "oh wow this is really good," I said eating more Coco barked causing the old men to look over the counter then at me "He likes it," I said sheepishly 

"Explains the other bowl you wanted," he said going back to cooking 

"He's well-behaved sir. I just didn't know if you allowed pets in here" I told him 

"Usually we don't but if he likes my cooking I'll make an exception" I smiled 

"Thank you, sir, so much" thanking him 

"Here for him" he handed me a boiled egg 

"Here you go boy," I said giving it to him he took a bite making it fall apart "Eat it," I told him as he licked it up off the floor "do you have a job opening here for me?" I asked the man 

"I guess, no ones ever asked to work here," he said 

"I could help serve people and Coco could clean up the place of any food is on the ground," I told him 

"Hm sure when can you start working?" He asked 

"Um well probably this weekend the next two days I have something" he nodded 

"That's fine with me. Be here after school ok" he said I nodded 

"Thank you so much sir," I said, "You hear that Coco?" He barked again I laughed before continuing to eat the ramen. 

"Bye thanks for the food and the job!" I told the man as I walked back home. As I was walking I past the cafe and speed up my pace 

"Hey" I turned around to see that boy walking toward me I groaned 

"What do you want?" I asked him a little hostile 

"I just wanted to talk to you since I only see you when you pass by here," he said 

"Do you just come to this cafe every night?" I asked him 

"Yeah mostly," he said stepping close Coco growled at him "Ok you still hate me that's fine," he said then pulled out a dog treat "What about this?" Coco looked at him then turned away and started walking "oh come on" he said proceeding to walk with me 

"Do you just meet random girls and follow them home?" I asked 

"No, plus I told you I want to talk to you if that's alright" 

"What's your name anyways?" I asked him 

"Why do you want to know?" He asked 

"Well if are going to talk to me then I should at least know your name," I said 

"It's Asahi, what's yours?" 

"Railey, so what do you want to talk about Asahi?" I asked him 

"Do you come down to this cafe often?" He asked I scoffed 

"How about you, do you come here just to pick up girls?" I shot back 

"No, I'm not like that," he said 

"Ok," I said as I began to jog 

"Hey, where are you going?" He asked trying to keep up 

"Home bye," I said before running away 'Man he's weird' I thought while I opened the door. Looking at the clock it was only 5:30 "Ugh" I groaned throwing myself down on the couch "Why does it have to be so early?" I asked not knowing what to do. I got up going to my closet to pick out outfits for the next two days. Eventually, I decided to go to bed since I was bored and didn't know what else to do.

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