This can't be happening!

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The next few weeks I got used to going to school and eventually joined some clubs. I would hang out with Akari and Riko some days after school when they had activities they did too.
I at lunch during school one day when I got a phone call from someone "Hello?" I answered it 

"Is this Railey's phone number?" The man asked on the other side 

"Yeah, why?" I asked him 

"I'm doctor Riki. This morning a neighbor said they had heard something loud come from your house. They went off and saw that Satomi had fallen and was on the floor gasping. Immediately they brought them here and-" they paused there 

"And what?" I urged 

"I'm sorry to tell you but Satomi has died from a heart attack just a few hours ago. We thought we call you and let you know" he said I was shocked unable to speak or think clearly 

"Where was she taken?" I asked them 

"To the city hospital right around the corner from the Home's supermarket," he said 

"Thank you" I hung up the phone 

"Who was that?" Akari asked 

"Where the city hospital from here?" I asked grabbing my bag 

"Um it's just a straight shot down that way," Riko said pointing to the left of the gate 

"Thank you," I said before sprinting out of the room and the building heading to that hospital. 'This can't be real. This can't be real' is all that was going through my mind while I ran toward it.
"Where's Satomi Ogata?" I frantically asked the lady 

"Um, she's on the second floor in room 2009" without saying anything I ran for the stairs not wanting to wait on an elevator. When I got to the room I stopped in front of it taking a deep breath before opening the door and entering. I saw Satomi laying there in the white bed with flowers on the table beside her bed

"Satomi please tell me they are kidding. I just got a called from some doctor saying you're dead but that can't be you just got the surgery done to prevent you from having heart problems. Please open your eyes" I told her sitting on her bed I touch her hand "please don't tell me it's true" I choked back the tears. Her hand was cold, nearly any warmth to her hands like normal I tried to feel for a pulse on her arm but couldn't find one so I tried getting it on her neck but there was none. The tears suddenly poured out all at once "No!" I yelled hugging Satomi's body tears drenching the shirt she was wearing currently "you can't leave me! You've done so much for me! You can't leave me now!" I yelled choking on the tears a knock was heard

"I'm sorry for your loss," the doctor's voice said this angered me I went over to him grabbing his coat and pushing him against the wall

"Why the hell didn't you help her!" I yelled in his face

"By the time the neighbor brought her here. There wasn't much we could do but make her comfortable for her death," he said fear written on his face 

"This wasn't supposed to happen! She had surgery to prevent this!" I told him 

"What was the surgery?" He asked I let go of him and wiped my nose

"I don't know we went to the hospital called Joseph something," I told him coldly

"I'll go find out what she got. For now, you should go home kid" he said placing a hand on my shoulder before walking away "I'll call a taxi to take you" he said I sniffed before taking a good look at Satomi. She was wearing a green shirt with flowers on it that were dark and the material was silky. I managed to crack a small smile at the sight

"you always did have an odd sense of style" I said before walking out of the room and down to the ground floor

"Your ride is outside," the lady at the desk told me I just waved and walked outside getting inside the car. He drove off without a word said and when he dropped me off he didn't say anything about money assuming the doctor already paid him for it. I went inside the house throwing my bag down and sitting on the couch Coco walked into the room and licked my hand. I felt numb and in pain, as to what had just happened laying down on the couch Coco set his head on the couch giving me a pity look "she's gone, Coco. She's actually gone" I told him he whined then barked "I know," I said turning to the side to face him before breaking down again.

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