I like you

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Railey's POV:

It was halfway through lunch and Asahi still wasn't here 'Where could he possibly be? And who is he talking to?' I thought

"Asahi finally you're here!" Kaito exaggerated I smiled as I looked up see Asahi sitting down by me

"Sorry the person took longer than I expected," he said

"Well at least you're here now," I said smiling the rest of lunch we all talked and laughed together. Taichi and Kaito are really nice, Kaito is the goofball while Taichi is the quiet, serious person. They are fun to hang out with, Kaito likes the attention from girls until they get annoying and Taichi hates the attention since they never leave him alone for anything.

As we walk we're walking to our next class Asahi walked with us again along with Kaito again Asahi squeezed my hand before leaving heading to his class. For the rest of the day, it was normal with no one bothering me.

Closer to the end of school everyone started talking about the game that was here. When the bell rang for the end of the day everyone rushed out of the room ready for the game.

I cleaned the rooms up before heading to a classroom with a great view of the field watching the game. I had texted the old men telling him I wasn't going to make it today since I had something going on he said it was fine since today there hasn't been many people in. I set my phone down and watched as the players ran around kicking the ball to each other when it was halftime we were winning by several points. Everyone down there was going crazy as the time got closer to the end Asahi had the ball and was kicking it getting closer and closer to the goal. As the time counted down Asahi got close to the goal before kicking the ball, the time went out as the ball went inside the goal making us win the game. I screamed as everyone else down there roared up screaming as we had just won against the other team I smiled grabbing my bag and ran down there. I saw them walking out smiling and high fiving each other "Asahi!" I yelled running to him

"Railey," he said surprised as I ran up to him and giving him a hug

"Great job on the game. I watched the whole thing, you guys are really good" I told him

"Thank you stayed for the whole game? What about your job?" He asked sounding concerned

"I told him that I had something I was doing and wouldn't be able to make it today," I told him "We should celebrate on this win" I suggested

"Yeah let's do it," one dude said jumping up in the air

"Ok let's do it," Asahi said as we all walked to some place that was packed at this time. We all went and sat down at a table before a waitress came to us asking for our order. We ordered a lot of food and ate most of it

"Wow, Railey you're a cool girl," one of the boys said as I was taking a bite of shrimp that one of them dared me to do

"Thanks," I said swallowing the shrimp the rest of the night we goofed off and had fun as in celebration of the team's victory. As it got later in the evening some of the guys started leaving heading back eventually, leaving only Asahi and me. We both walked together back toward my dorm "Tonight was fun" I said walking with my hands behind my back

"Yeah it was," he said "Railey I need to tell you something" his voice soft I looked up at him his eyes looked frightened of something

"What is it Asahi?" I asked stopping and looking at him

"I um dammit," he said nervously

"It's ok if you don't --" I stopped as I felt something warm on my lips looking it was Asahi kissing me! Stunned I just stood there frozen unable to do anything until he pulled away looking at me

"I like you, Railey I've liked you since I first saw you. I just didn't know how to tell you until now or even had the courage to" he confessed to me as I stood there like an idiot not being able to say anything or respond 'Girl fucking do something!' my mind screamed at me

"It's ok if you don't like me I just--"

"I like you too Asahi," I told him he stopped looking at me dumbfounded

"Wait, what?" he asked

"I like you, I didn't know I did until I started thinking back about what you've done for me. I like you too" I said Asahi stepped closer and leaned down to me

"Then I won't feel so bad about doing this," he said before smashing his lips into mine again only this time I made myself respond to him kissing me. We stood there for a couple seconds kissing before pulling back and looking at each other smiling "Railey, will do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" he asked my smile grew bigger

"Yes, I will," I said hugging him he hugged back before we let go of each other "I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Are you going to tell your friends about us?" I asked him

"Not now eventually but let's be safe since what's has happened recently," he said before leaving I walked inside the dorm and into my room before grabbing a pillow and screaming into it 'fucking yes!' I thought 'He likes me and I'm his girlfriend now' Coco came up to me nudging my hand "Oh shit, I totally forgot about you Coco" I grabbed some leftovers from the restaurant giving them to him before getting ready for bed. I fell asleep that night feeling finally happy and content at last. 

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