My dad is crazy

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As school ended I was called to the principal's office when I got there my dad was standing there "What is this about sir?" I asked glaring at my dad

"This man claims to be your father but looking at the papers you handed in, he isn't on here," he asked I sighed

"Yes this man is my father, I didn't put him on there because I was living with a different person that is on those papers. I ran away from home sir" I truthfully told him

"I see, well he wants to pull you out of the school" shocked I looked at my dad

"You have a tutor at home you have no need to go here. It's useless to your future" my dad said

"It is not! I want to do what I want with my future and you can't tell me what to do!" I yelled at him before storming out of the room with my dad on my tail

"You are coming home with me whether you like it or not" he yelled at me while I ran from him. Turning a corner I slipped into a room hiding as he kept walking. When he was gone I got out of the room and went the other way toward my dorm to get Coco and heading to the ramen shop.

When the day was over I was glad. Today was rough not just here but at school with dad here and everything else, the door opened

"We are closed sir," I said then looking to see my dad "Go away," I said putting on my coat and walking out with Coco who was growling at the him

"As I said before, you are coming home whether you like it or not," he said then forcefully grabbing my wrist pulling me out of the store

"Ah!" I yelled pulling away from him Coco then bite his leg, dad kicked Coco hard in the side making him whine and back off

"Abuser!" I yelled kicking my dad making him let go of me and running away as the police showed up and arrested my dad. I ran back to the dorm before dialing my mom's number

"Mom do you know where dad is?" I asked

"Oh Laura, oh my gosh, please come home. Your dad is on a business trip somewhere why?" she asked

"He's not, he came to Bibai where I am currently living and is forcing me to come home. Mom I don't want to come home, I have friends, a job and I'm doing good in school here. Please come down here and talk some sense into him. He just got arrested" I explained to her

"I'm on my way right now" she said before hanging up the phone sighing I laid on my bed Coco whined "I can't believe he kicked you, Coco, I am so sorry" I said trying to see if anything is broken "You're good just sore I bet" he whimpered licking me and curling up in my lap "Let's go to bed maybe tomorrow will be a better day" I told him moving him to the bed and going to sleep. 

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