This kitty has claws

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My alarm went off the next morning groaning I rolled over and turned it off 

"Railey get up!" Akari yelled banging on the other side of the door I got up and got ready.  All three of us walked to school together but Shiki went to her friends when we got there

"Hey Railey" Asahi said running toward me 

"Hey," I said 

"Who's this your friend?" He asked pointing to Akari 

"Oh Asahi this is Akari, Akari this is Asahi" I introduced 

"Hi," Asahi said while Akari waved at him blushing 

"What are you doing after school Wednesday?" He asked

"Um probably working why do you ask?" I asked 

"Oh well there is a soccer game here Wednesday and I was wondering if you were going to go" he offered 

"Hm maybe," I said 

"Ok well see ya later" he waved at us while walking away I turned to Akari 

"What?" I asked as she was looking at me 

"What do you mean what? Asahi just asked you to go to his soccer game and you said maybe?!" She exaggerated

"Um yeah I guess" I responded confused 

"Literally any girl would say yes to that if Asahi asked them. He's popular and you act like he's not" She ranted

"Sorry that I treat him like an actual person instead of someone who is rich and famous. Plus I met him before I knew he was popular" I told her 

"You mean during home ec?" She said 

"No at a cafe around the corner from my old house," I told her 

"You are so lucky," Akari said before Riko came up 

"Hey guys what's up?" he said 

"Hey," I said 

"Asahi just asked her to go to his game Wednesday and she said she might go" Akari pointed out I just rolled my eyes 

"Railey you have to be careful. He has a lot of fangirls and they get jealous of anyone around him" Riko warned

"I think I can handle a couple of fangirls," I told them as we walked to class. Today all my classes were in rooms so it was boring today. When lunch came around there was a note on my desk 

Railey, come up to the roof at lunch. I need to talk to you about something
-Asahi Rai

"I wonder what he wants to talk about?" Akari asked 

"Probably something about the game Wednesday," I said walking out the door and toward the roof. When I got up there I didn't see him anywhere 'Maybe he's not here yet' I thought sitting down on a bench waiting for him. Eventually, I didn't see him at all so I got up and was going to walk back but a group of girls came toward me 'Oh great' I thought as they all surrounded me
"What the hell do you want?" I hissed 

"Stay the fuck away from Asahi you hoe" a girl threatened 

"Yeah who do you think you are? You can't just talk to Asahi, he isn't just for you" another girl said 

"You know since he's one of the popular there are rules for them right?" some girl asked 

"For the love, he's just a regular person! So what he is higher on the social status than most people at this school that doesn't mean you have to treat them any differently. I bet Asahi wouldn't like it if I told him that you guys were threatening me" I shot back 

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