I like him?!!

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For the rest of the morning, I was tired and ready to go home so I was happy by the time lunch came around. We decided to sit outside today for something different

"Hey guys," Asahi said sitting down

"Hey what are you doing here?" Riko asked

"Just thought of sitting with you guys for a change," he said "Oo" he commented before picking up one of my rolls

"Hey, that's mine!" I yelled at him

"They are good," he said almost taking another one before I slapped his hand

"You get one and that's it," I told him

"Come on please one more?" He pleaded I took a tiny roll and gave it to him, he ate it in one bite

"What's up Asahi," another dude said sitting down on the other side of me

"What's up Taichi," Asahi said doing a handshake with him "This is Railey" he introduced

"Hi" I waved at him he waved back

"So this is the girl you've been talking about," he said Asahi slapped him

"Wait, you talk about me?" I asked

"Um, yeah I just say that I see you a lot that's all" he nervously said

"Yeah that's part of it the other is ow-" Asahi flicked him in the ear that time I blushed at the thought I actually crossed his mind

"So did we just move tables or something?" Another boy asked who looked familiar

"Railey, you remember Kaito right?" Asahi asked

"Oh yeah, you were with Asahi that one time at the cafe," I said

"Wait, what cafe?" Taichi asked

"The one I told you about," Asahi said before Taichi did the 'oh' face

"Hey Asahi" a girl came up to the table smiling and waved at Asahi. All the boys groaned she gave them a weird looked before continuing "I thought you were going to sit with us today?" She asked they her eyes landed on me "Why are you sitting with her?" She asked disgustedly

"How many times have we told you to go away, Mai?" Taichi asked her

"Like we've told you before we aren't going to sit with you. So will you just leave us alone now" Kaito told her she was about to leave but stopped and looked around at me and the others

"She was right, you are a hoe" she hissed suddenly Asahi got up  fast and grabbed her arm tightly

"Asahi don't!" Kaito said but was too late the girl yelped at the sudden reaction

"Don't you ever call her that again. You got it?" Asahi threateningly told her with his voice was low. The girl trembled at this scary version of Asahi, he gripped her tighter "Did you hear me? I said don't call her that again. And that goes for everyone else" he told her before yelling the last part out for everyone. The girl nodded her head fast before Asahi let go of her, she ran away as Asahi walked away 

"I'll go see about him," Kaito said following him

"Don't worry he'll calm down. I think" Taichi said whispering the last part

"Have you guys ever seen him like this?" I asked he shook his head

"Yeah, we've seen him mad but not this bad" he added that scared me 'He's mad over what she said about me' I thought then remembered this morning about how he was there holding me and what he said. We talked for the rest of lunch not seeing Asahi or Kaito at all eventually the bell rang making us all go back to class. As Akari, Riko and I were walking to class we saw Asahi standing by the doorway, without thinking I immediately went up to him

"Railey I--" he didn't say anything else as I hugged him

"Thank you for what you said, and what you've done today" I thanked him, he nodded walking away and blushing a little.

After school was done I went to the assigned room, quickly cleaning it then headed over to the dorm getting Coco and going to the Ramen Shop.

"I'm here," I said walking inside he looked at the clock

"You're earlier than yesterday," he said

"I made sure to finish up quickly then heading down here," I told him putting on the apron and starting to work. It was slow then it started picking up around 5 or something as people were coming in for dinner and having take out

"Today was good," I said putting up everything and cleaning the place

"Yes, it was. You've been doing well here" the old man said

"Thank you, sir. See you tomorrow" I told him walking out of the store heading toward home

"Are you liking it there Coco?" I asked him he barked in response "I bet, you get free food from people" I said laughing as we walked I decided to pass by the park that I had never gone. We stopped and walked around the place looking at the trees with lights on them and the fountain that was there with some other people walking around and talking. I walked toward the fountain admiring it

"Wow, I swear I'm not stalking you" I heard Asahi voice as I turned around to see him

"Well, it seems like it since we keep seeing each other like this," I told him "So why are you out tonight?" I asked him he shrugged

"Just out for a walk to clear my mind. What about you?" He asked

"Just wanted to come here. It's beautiful at night" I said looking at the lights he whispered something but I didn't hear him

"So since we're friends how about I ask you a question and then you ask me one?" he suggested I agreed with it "Great, um if you could eat anywhere where would you eat?" he asked

"Hm," I said thinking "Probably at any ramen shop since I love ramen," I told him

"Really hm explains why you're working at a ramen place," he said "Your turn," I thought for a moment

"Book or movie?"

"Movie, I can't stay with a book" he answered

"Movie for me too" I added we walked asking each other questions for a couple of minutes walking around the park then eventually heading back toward the dorm

"Favorite mythical animal?" Asahi asked


"Probably dwarfs since they are so small," he said as we stopped in front of the dorm

"Well I'll see you tomorrow I guess," I said

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," he said giving me a hug then kissing my cheek before walking away. Shocked I stood there for a moment figuring out if that was really 'He just kissed my cheek' I thought still feeling his lips on it. I rushed up to the dorm and into my room shutting the door and locking it before jumping on the bed 'He kissed my cheek' I kept thinking my mind racing as a million thoughts went through my head before realizing 'Oh fuck. I actually like him' I thought thinking back to earlier today and recently what he's done for me and how he has acted. 'Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK! I am so screwed now if anyone finds out' I thought my cheeks blushing at the thought of it. I rolled over as my heart was pounding out of my chest 'I wonder if he feels the same way' I wondered as I slowly started falling asleep.   

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