I need a place to live

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I walked home to get Coco but found two men standing at the door "Um hello can I help you?" I asked 

"Yes, are you the person who lives here?" One of the men asked 

"Yes, what is this about?" I asked he handed me a piece of paper 

"Wait, you're kicking me out?!" I yelled looking over the paper "why?" I asked 

"Well since the original owner is now dead there is no one to pay the rent. It's all written on that paper" he said 

"What if I pay the rent?" I asked

"The rent is 55, 269 yen," he said my mouth dropped 'Wow that's a lot' I thought 'I don't think I can get that much money. I mean I can pay for two months but that's it' I thought back on the money I got 

"when do I have to be out?" I asked 

"Two weeks" 

"That's all we came over here to talk about" they walked away I went inside still looking at the paper 

"Oh god," I said setting it down 'What am I going to do?' I thought I texted Akari because I think she lives in a dorm on campus

Yeah, I do why do you ask?

I need a place to stay do you have room? 

Yeah, it's only me and another girl so you can live here too. 

Good I'll send in an application tomorrow thanks 

I set my phone down and walked into my room starting on some homework. After a few minutes I was done I didn't want to eat anything at the house so I took Coco out and headed toward that cafe. I ordered tea and a cookie as I waited on my order Coco growled I looked up to see Asahi walking by with someone else so I didn't try to get his attention. Coco growled some more until I tapped her on the head "Stop it he's not going to come in here" I said the waitress came with my order just before Asahi entered with his friend and sat at a table far away from me. Every now and then I would glance over at them but they both would be talking and not looking over here. After I finished my tea I played on my phone chewing on my cookie 


"Hey" I heard with the sound of sliding across the cushion seat. It was Asahi and his friend sitting across from me when I looked up

"Hey," I said 

"This is one of my friends Kaito. Kaito this is Railey" Asahi introduce I waved at him  

"Hm you were right," Kaito said looking at me 

"Right about what?" I asked Asahi then elbowed Kaito 

"Nothing," he said glaring at Kaito Coco poked her head on the table 

"Aw cute dog," Kaito said trying to pet him but jerked his hand back when Coco growled

"Sorry he doesn't like strangers," I told him 

"Don't worry, he hates me so much," Asahi said I laughed "So, what are you doing out?" He asked 

"Eh, nothing really what about you two?" I asked 

"Just walking around," Kaito said, "So Railey how long have you been in Japan? Asahi told me you're from America is that right?" Kaito asked I nodded

"Yeah, I am from America. I've been here over a year now" I said they both looked surprised 

"Wow that's a long time," Kaito said 

"Yeah, I love living here it's completely different from home," I said

"Well we can always show you around if we need to" Asahi offered I smiled 

"Thanks but I'm good for now," I said looking at my phone "I should be going now. Nice meeting you Kaito see ya tomorrow," I said waving at them as I walked off 

"See ya," they both said as I walked out of the cafe and toward home. I saw through the window that Asahi was looking at me smiling while Kaito looked happy giving Asahi a little punch. Not caring I jogged back home then went to bed.

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