Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

[Bakugou's POV]

As i started to wake up, i slowly started to remember things from last night. Kiri had slept with me, well.. beside me.. right?

I rolled over to the left side of my bed and was shocked to find a blanket and pillow with no one on top.

"What the hel-"

Then i noticed a note on the pillow.


Thank you for taking care of Kirishima for the night Bakugou, i would have taken him back to the hospital by now as i didn't want him to wake you up.

Mr. Aizawa


I sighed as the weight on my shoulders became light. That scared me for a minute.

Well as there was no school today, i decided to head to the dorm cafeteria for lunch.

As i make myself some waffles, i took a seat on one of the couches and ate in silence.

"Mind if i sit?" My head didn't even move as i nodded.

"So, how has everything been, with Kirishima?"

"Oh shut it, Jirou" I spoke as i stuffed my face with more food.

I had known Jirou since we were young, not as young as Deku but still for a while. Jirou's dad did a photo shoot for my parents when he was younger and that's how we met, although i don't remember much.

"C'mon, i know it must be pretty hard with him being all, y'know"

"And you think you're making it any better?" I rolled my eyes as i placed the dish onto the counter.

"He's gonna be fine, It was just a quirk he got hit with, it's not permanent." I said deeply.

"And how would you know that?" Jirou said as she shifted closer to me.

"N-nothing, i didn't say jack shit." I stuttered. Fuck. I knew that only Aizawa and I were the only ones that knew (Since of last night).

"Ha, okay Baka". 

Those were names we called each other as kids, her nickname was Musi, but fuck it i would never call her that again. If i ever called her that people would think we were dating or some shit.

"Don't call me that, people might be around dip-shit."

"Yeah whatever big guy, i'll see you later." She said as she got up from beside me and walked away. I hadn't had much of a conversation like that with anyone other than Kiri, and i guess it was kinda nice, not freaking out. 

As i finished my food, i had decided to give Kiri a little visit, so i got changed and started towards the hospital.

As i made my way to his room, i could hear faint arguing from inside it.. What the hell?

[Kaminari's POV] (A look inside on the wheeey boy's thoughts... you're welcome)

"KIRISHIMA!! How many fingers am i holding up?!" I yelled trying to get a reaction or something that would trigger Kiri's brain cells.

"He knows how to count dumb-ass! he just can't remember shit!!." Mina yelled back at me.

"BE QUIET WE ARE IN A PUBLIC FACILITY, PLUS HE IS AWAKE." Iida spoke while doing his oh-so famous arm gestures.

[Bakugou's POV]

They are literally so fucking dumb, I thought as i entered the room. All eyes were on me, especially Kiri's which stood out the most.

Can i see him like this? Can i take it?

"H-hey Bakugou?" Mina spoke as she moved closer.

"I'm just here to see Kirishima, so back of, extras."

I swear i could feel Kiri's eyes peircing holes into my chest, like he was trying to scold me for saying that, but he obviously couldn't.

I just turned to Kiri and gave him a thumbs up, which made everyone look so fuckin' confused. I laughed a little before plopping into one of the green hospital chairs.

I just sat there as i saw everyone comforting a very confused Kirishima.


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