Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

[Kat's POV]

As the others probably went to the teachers to tell them everything, i was too exhausted to do anything with them as i made my way up to my room. 

We had been walking around school grounds and i made my way through the back entrance.

The girl's dorms.

Like hell i'd do anything, i just got back from fighting that.. thing, and i really just wanted to get some rest.

(A/N: OFC u need ur beauty sleep Bakugou, for someone who goes to bed at 8:30, dumb bitch)

As i walked past their rooms, it was quiet enough to be able to hear sobs through the thin walls.

My feet stopped as i slowly turned to where i thought the crying was coming from.

Room 403...

Who' 403?


"j-jirou?" I spoke quietly. But why would she be-



It was way to late to knock on her door, i didn't want to be that kind of person, so what could i do? I mean she is my friend, i guess..

Fuck, it's none of my business..

I tried to avoid the sobs that pierced into my ears as i walked down the hallway.

Don't turn back...

Don't turn back...

Don't turn b-

But then, my mind began to think back to my frightening night terrors.. Fuck.

The familiar sobs, they matched these ones.. They matched Jirou's..

"Goddammit..." I scoffed as i pulled out my phone.

If i didn't want to knock on the door and face her, the least i could do to make her feel better was text her.


'Hey, you up?'


I slowly walked back towards her door as i heard her phone notification go off, then followed by the shuffling of her body moving.

'Yea, what's up?'

Oh nothing, just hearing you ball your eyes out. Yea of course i didn't send that, i'm not that big of a dick.

'Just got back from fighting a villain, so nothing much'

'Oh my god Bakugou, you okay?'

'Yea, i thought the traitor was Kaminari, but it seems to have just been Toga screwing around with us' I didn't want to add in the part about Denki being kidnapped, because by the way she felt i think she already knew.

Coming to think of this, was anyone this upset when i got kidnapped? 

Me and Kiri definitely weren't a thing back then, but i knew Deku must've been worried sick.

Once i sent that, she left me on read for a minute, until i finally say those 3 dots.

'Yeah, i heard'

'I'll talk to you tomorrow, i need my rest.'

'Okay, night.'

'And so do you, stop fucking worrying and get some sleep' I typed and pressed send as i walked towards my room.

[Kiri's POV]

We made our way to Aizawa's office.


"Come i- What the hell?"

"H-hey Mr. Aizawa..."

"Got some explaining to do?"

We told him everything about what happened, but none of us wanted to commit that Denki was missing, we thought if we didn't bring it up, it wouldn't be real.. right?

"So, you" He spoke, pointing at Toga. "You impersonated him, guessing that's your quirk, but what doesn't line up is that where is the actual Kaminari?"

All of our faces dropped as well as Aizawas.

First was fear.

Then pure anger.

Then.. guilt?

"Dammit kids! These villains won't let up and i let another one slip from my hands!" He yelled, followed my some incoherent curses.

"As he wrapped his rough restraints around Toga, he dragged her while mummbling "I'll take her to Nezu and All Might, go get some rest." As he stormed out of the room in full Dadzawa mode.

"Well," Sero chimed in "A hero never sleeps!"

Sorry they've been so short, schools an ass but i will try my hardest to upload more!

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