Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

[Kiri's POV]

WE are holding hands. IN PUBLIC. Is this what they call PDA?  Should i be worried? Can i get a STD from this? Am i even a virgin anymore?! I started to worry and overthink again, and i guess Kat caught on.

He squeezed my hand which made me look at him.

"You all right?" He said, as it felt like he was looking into my soul.

"Y-yea." I said as i squeezed his hand back and smiled.

We walked for a little more, getting closer to the cafeteria.

"Y-y'know, you barely ever smile" I said while looking at him. He went a little bit red.

"Well, guess what? You're probably the only person who can make me do it." He finished as he gave me a cheeky smirk.

The butterflies suddenly attacked my stomach and went into a crazed frenzy.



SO DAMN CUTE. and hot too. uwu


I thought as we both let go of each others hand as we entered the cafeteria to Todoroki, Iida, Tsuyu and Uraraka.

"Hey guys!" i immediately ran up to them to say hi, not noticing i ran off from Katsuki.

"Hey Kirishima! Nice to see you here!" Iida spoke as he did his lil' hand flailes.

"Oh wow Kirishima, how did you get Bakugou out from his room, ribbit?" Tsuyu spoke as her tongue rested on the side of her bottom lip.

"Not that hard really, i-if you guys didn't know, we are.. dating." I choked. We recently have been more open about our relationship, and by we i mean me. 

Bakugou doesn't like to do the confessing, he just usually stands beside me while giving the person a death glare of 'say anything to anyone or touch my Kirishima and i will end you' kind of look.

"Someone actually broke the kid" Todoroki spoke as he slurped on some soba.

"Already knew". Uraraka chimed in.

Tsuyu and Iida just looked kind of shocked, they probably didn't pay much attention to us or they were surprised Kat could have such feelings.

I just laughed it off while i gestured Katsuki to come over to say hi, or more like scoff at them and walk to get food.

Guess i was right, because that's exactly what he did.

We ended up sitting with them, and talked about stuff other than me and Kat, FINALLY.

'So, how do you guys feel about All Might? I mean, he can't do much hero work now, a-and now you're dad.." Uraraka spoke, looking at Todoroki. "You're dad is now number 1 hero."

"Yeah, which he does not deserve, but oh well." Todoroki just sighed deeply.

"Well any hero is a great one! I wish All Might could still save people, but also the new generations of hero's will support everyone now too!" Iida chimed in.

"Yea exactly, i mean as long as the league of villains are put to an end, we can finally have some more peace." I spoke, everyone was laying there thoughts out on the table, so i decided to join in.

"A-are All Might's days numbered? Don't you think. I mean, he's weak now, and he can barely stay in his big form anymore". Bakugou spoke. Everyone looked surprised that he had actually spoke, but the conversation didn't end there, as it carried on to Tsuyu.

"Yea, ribbit. I just hope he stays healthy, it would be sad to see him become even more un-healthier." (A/N, is un-healthier even a word? Well it is now LOL)

The conversation carried out a little bit longer, but it was getting late. We said our goodbyes and left to the dorm room.

We headed back to our dorm rooms, too exhausted to do anything, so we decided to just chill around in my room.

As i sat down on my bed, Bakugou seemed calmer than usual, and i think having a decent conversation helps with that, i think.

"I have some new video games we could play if you want?" I chimed in, breaking the silence.

"Sure, but i haven't played in a while, so if i play like shit i'm blaming you." He barked back, guess i was wrong about the whole 'calm' thing.

"H-how is that my fault?!" I questioned him, raising my voice a little bit.

"Fuck- Kiri it's a joke, you have no sense of humour." He spoke, and i swear i heard a giggle come from Kat, oh now he was dead.

"Did you just giggle? That was cute, but i think you have never giggled before, that sounded sooo wrong." Now we were just playfully arguing with each other, and we were not done.

"Oh fuck off, you're the one who can't take a shitty joke, damn can't we just settle this in the game and not arguing?" He tried calming himself down, and i think he hated arguing with me, i am not really sure why though, but i mean i don't blame him, i don't like arguing with him either, fuck i love that guy so making him mad makes me feel even worse, i'd rather make him feel happy.

"Finee~" I purred. "But even though we argue, i still love you." I spoke, trying to make things chill again. 

"Love you too, piece of shit.." He murmured the last part. Oh, he was so done now.

"WHAT'D YOU SAY, SHITTY HAIR!" I tried mimicking him as i jumped on him and tackled him onto the bed.

"I don't sound like that! NOW GET THE FUCK OFF ME!-" He yelled from below me as he flipped me over and pressed all his weight against me. He was too heavy with muscle and i couldn't move, and i literally had to use my quirk so he wouldn't suffocate me.

After a couple more minutes of spitting roasts to each other and some more tackling (and maybe some making out) We settled on getting to our game, and played a couple rounds until we got tired and decided to put on some movie.

"You're really tiring sometimes, y'know, but i don't know what the hell i'd do without you, Red." He spoke softly as we leaned onto the back of my bed and i put my head in the crook of his neck, then felt him shiver from the touch.

We stayed like that for about a half hour, melting in each others comfort, cuddling on the bedn until i heard soft snores come from Kat.

"who knew-" I whispered softly. " who knew that the most blasty personality is the most cuddly person ever, not that i'm complaining." i finished as i closed my eyes.

"you better not be complaining, or i'd have to tackle you again," Kat whispered back, who i thought was asleep.

"Night Kat, hate you."

"Hate you too." he concluded as we both fell asleep on each other, holding hands, sleeping peacefully.

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