Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

[Kiri's POV]

The rest of the day seemed to go by fine, and as for Bakugou, i think he was focused on what would happen tonight.

'if you want those terrors to go away, i'd suggest we save this all for later.' Those words rang into my head as i got my work from my locker.

I wonder if that did a number on him, i mean my words usually do, so i have to come up with something tonight... But, we've only gone as far as making out.. I don't know if hes ready.. if i'm ready for that yet..

I tried pushing the thoughts aside as i walked home with Sero and Mina. Kaminari had to stay at school for something, so it was just us three.

"So- Kiri" Mina spoke, elbowing me as Sero chuckled. A lot of people knew that Bakugou would call me Kiri, so everyone would bug me about it.

"You guys are so annoying, find someone else you can bug" I rolled my eyes as i slightly smiled.

"But you guys have been dating for sooooo long, and what, nothings happened?" Sero said as he gave me a certain hand gesture.

I smacked his hands while giving him a face. "You two need some help, like seriously, maybe you should've stayed with Kaminari".

"HA! But Sero is right! Are you just lying to us that nothing has gone on? Like when was the last time you guys even kissed?" Mina said, thinking out loud.

I never really told my friends this kind of stuff, even though they craved the information. So to them, i never really told them that we made out alot, or that we slept together sometimes, because then they would crave even more information and then it would just become hectic.

So to them, we were just a cheesy innocent couple. Who never took showers together COUGH COUGH. (whoops head-canon for future chapters).

"We actually made out on the roof this morning, so, the casual". I had had enough of them bugging me, like seriously, so, i made them choke on their words.

"W-what? My Kirishima!? No friggen way!" Sero said as he acted all surprised while Mina looked PISSED.

"Why the hell did you not tell us?" She crossed her arms and pouted her lips.

"Because you guys would bug me about it, i don't need to spill the tea whenever we do something, it's just natural for us." But was it? Do couples who have been dating for 5 months just.. make-out?

"So, nothing else your not telling us?" Sero chimed.

"W-well.." I didn't want to tell them about us sleeping in each others dorm rooms at night, they would probably try to sneak in pictures.. like last time. So I quickly kinda changed the subject.

"well.. d-do you think we should be moving faster? I feel like it's kind of slow.. Not that i don't mind it! But what if somethings wrong?" i spoke nervously.

They knew i wasn't lying about this, and i was actually becoming more and more concerned about it.

"Kirishima, you should know this by now. Bakugou probably has never felt feelings like these before, he's new to this! I mean, so are you, but this is Bakugou we're talking about! He probably has no recognition of what's supposed to happen next, so i'm sorry to be the one to say this, but you have to be the one to make the first move, because he has probably no idea what's supposed to happen next and he won't do anything because he will think you will break up with him for moving too fast!"

Mina finished while she breathed for air. Jeez, that was alot of talking.

"A-and to finish off of Mina's speech.." Sero budded in. "She's right, you're gonna have to make the first move on him. He's probably been craving it for a loong time, but he probably doesn't want to do anything that he's unsure of? That'd pretty surprising for Bakugou tho. I bet if you make him wait too long, he'll get impatient and just jump you!" Sero laughed as he finished.

Ha, wouldn't be the first time.

"I-i guess you guys are right. But what the hell's the next step?" I questioned to them, looking for answers. Which i wouldn't have asked for if i knew how they would answer them.

All i got were some R-rated hand gestures and facial expressions. 

Ahhh guys i died when i wrote that last sentence. Poor Kiri!! LOL

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