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You sat on top of a barrel as you watched Astro play captain. Astro was barking out orders to the other pirates, which they obeyed with gusto. You chuckled at this and stood up. You then walked over to him.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself." You commented as you crossed your arms. Astro turned towards you and grinned.

"Yeah! It's so much fun playing captain!" Astro exclaimed. You smiled and nodded.

"It sure looks like fun! Just don't forget about what we came here to do." You told. Astro's eyes widened and he nodded.

"Oh! Yeah, of course! We can get started with our search now if you want." Astro suggested. You smiled and nodded. You then heard some commotion and turned towards the spaceship and saw Zack rush out of it. He then ran towards you and gripped you by the shoulders, panic written across his face.

"They're gone!"

"What's gone?" You questioned.

"THE DOCUMENTS!" Zack cried. Your eyes widened in shock.

"WHAT!?" Astro looked between you and Zack and blinked at the two of you.

"Huh? What happened?" Astro questioned, unsure of the situation. You clenched your fists and walked passed Astro.

"The documents leading to the Antiquorum were taken. We need to find the culprit soon before it's too late." You told. You then turned towards Plue, who was sitting on top of a barrel and eating fish. "Plue! Come on, we're heading off!" You said. Plue raised his eyebrow at you.

"Huh? Why?" Without answering, you grabbed hold of Plue and rushed over to the ship. Zack and Astro ran after you and Zack grabbed you by the shoulder.

"Wait! It'll take too much time to start up the ship and chase after them. I'd suggest getting Astro to track them down and we'll soon follow after." Zack suggested. You sighed and nodded.

"Hmm, that plan sounds legit." You then turned towards Astro and walked over to him with Plue in your arms. "Astro, you heard Zack's plan, right?" Astro nodded and scooped you up into his arms.

"Yep! Let's rocket!" Astro cried as he took off to the skies as Zack gathered everyone into the spaceship.


Astro and Plue scanned the waters with their superior vision as you kept into contact with Zack as to tell him where you were.

"Just keep heading south east. Hopefully you'll catch up to us then." You said into the small walkie talkie that was connected to Plue's back. You then placed it back in its socket and looked up at Astro. "Have you spotted anything yet?" You questioned. Astro shook his head.

"No, not yet. What about you, Plue? Have you spotted anything yet?" Plue shook his head and frowned.

"No, not ye-look!" Plue cried as he pointed towards a small boat gliding across the waters at an amazing speed. Without a second's thought, Astro sped towards the perpetrator. The perpetrator glanced back at the three of you and tsked. They then sped towards one of the nearby islands and entered a nearby cavern, disappearing from sight. Astro tightened his hold on you as he sped forwards. He rushed into the cave and landed on the closest patch of land. Astro set you down on your feet and you immediately made your way towards the abandoned jet ski. You then clicked your tongue and turned towards Astro and Plue.

"Damn it, we lost them." Astro frowned and turned towards the jet ski.

"So, they got away?" Astro questioned. You shook your head and gave Astro a confident look.

"No, not yet. This cavern doesn't lead to the outside world."

"How can you tell?" You pointed up and gestured to the air.

Search of the Antiquorum (Astro boy X reader)Where stories live. Discover now