~Chapter One~A Brand New Life, Again

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Alex's POV

"Alexandra Fayth, if you don't get your ass up you're going to be late for you first day of school," my crazy Aunt Rose yelled from downstairs. I just layed there in the same spot looking up at the ceiling not wanting to leave my bed. After awhile of that, I finally decide that it's time to get up and start getting dressed. I picked out a floral top and a pair of black jeans with my red sandals. Walking into the bathroom doing my usual morning routine and throwing my hair up into a messy bun. I walked down the stairs and was met with my little cousin, Adalyne running over to me with her arm out. I lent down and picked her us, placing her on my hip and walking to the dining room.

    "Good morning Aunt Rose," I said while placing Adalyne in her highchair and grabbing a piece of toast and shoving it in my mouth

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    "Good morning Aunt Rose," I said while placing Adalyne in her highchair and grabbing a piece of toast and shoving it in my mouth. "I'll see you after school. Bye," I yelled walking out of the dining room and running to the front door. I made it to my rundown car and pulling out of the driveway and making my way to school. My first day of junior year, I wish my parents could be here to see me now. Aunt Rose always tells me how much I look like my mother but that's all she ever says about them. The drive to school was peaceful. I can't wait to see my only friend Lake, she was the been my friend since I first moved here. I pull into the school parking lot and park in a spot pretty close to the school.

    "Alex!!" I heard someone scream from my left looking over to see Lake running over to me leaving her boyfriend Marcus in the dust. She wraps me in a giant bear hug. "I haven't seen you all summer!!" she said while pulling away from me.

    "Maybe if you weren't gone to Spain all summer we could have hung out," I told her while grabbing my backpack out of the car and walking closer to the school with Lake and Marcus walking behind me.

    "I'm sorry man but now we have all junior year to hang," she told me while grabbing my hand forcing me to stop in my tracks.

    "We don't even have any classes together this year Lake, I will only be able to see you during lunch and if you don't let go I am going to be late to AP English," I tell her while she drops my hand and I start walking back into the school.

    "It's not my fault that you are so fucking smart," I could hear her yelling from behind me. I make my way to my first class and here we go with my first day.

    The first day was finally done and I was making my way back to my car where I waved to Lake as she got into Marcus's car and seeing them drive away. I made it to my car and opening the door throwing my bag on the passenger seat. The next thing I knew someone's hand was over my mouth pulling my into a hard chest and before I could even fight back I felt a needle being plunged into my neck. "Sleep now my star. We will be home very soon," a deep voice whispers into my ear before every went black.

Time Skip

    I woke up on a bed looking around the room only to see white walls, a dresser in the corner, and a closed door with a note on it

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    I woke up on a bed looking around the room only to see white walls, a dresser in the corner, and a closed door with a note on it. I run over to the door trying to open it but it was locked and there was no windows anywhere. I pull the note off the door and read it.

Dear Alexandra, My Star

By the time you see this letter, I will on my way home from the store getting us dinner. This will now be your home and when I do finally get home I will come and get you and I expect you to be changed into something nice and for you to eat with me.After that we will talk about the list you are to follow on the back of this piece of paper. I can't wait to see your beautiful face again my star.

Love, E.A.T.

E.A.T.? Who could that be? I flipped the paper over to see a numbered list.

Wake up at 7 every morning and start breakfast

Wake me up at 8 and eat breakfast with me

Get dressed after breakfast and start cleaning the house till 11

Start making lunch at 11 and will be served by 12

Finish cleaning the house

Make dinner at 6 and serve at 7 and do the dishes right after

Relax with me in the living room

At 9 head up stairs and shower and get ready for bed

Be in bed by 10

Repeat everyday

Why would I ever do this for an unknown man? My thoughts were distracted by the sound of loud footsteps coming closer to the door.

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