~Chapter Two~ Him

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Alex's Pov

I was currently buried in the blankets of the bed hiding from my capture. I hear the door open slowly and the footsteps start to get lower. I feel the side of the bed start to dip and the blanket being pulled from over my head. I tired pulling the blanket back over me when I heard a loud bombing voice say, "Alexandra let go of the fucking blanket!" I let it go and felt it being pulled completely off of me. Before my face was a handsome man with flowing dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. "I thought I told you to change into something nice my star. Why are you still in your clothing from earlier?" he asks me while placing one of his rough hands on my cheek.

"I-I had n-no time," I whispered pulling my body away from him and moving into the corner of the bed that touches the wall. He immediately got up and walked over to the small dresser and pulled out a beautiful black floral skater dress to match his form fitting three piece suit.

"Here put this on and meet me outside of this door in three minutes or I am coming to get you," he told me throwing the dress on the bed and walking over to the door. He turns around and smirks at me before walking out the door and slamming it. I immediately started changing into the dress as fast as I can not wanting him to come back in and get me. It fit me perfectly and I started to wonder how he knew my size. There was no mirror in here to see what I looked like so I walked over to the door and open it slowly. He was sitting on a bar stool in what looked like a basement, he looked over at me smiling.

 He was sitting on a bar stool in what looked like a basement, he looked over at me smiling

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     "Oh my star you look so beautiful in that dress

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     "Oh my star you look so beautiful in that dress. Come here please," he tells me while opening his arms. I walk over to him with my head down. My body hit his hard chest and his arms wrapped around my small frame. My head barely reaches his shoulders and I could feel his hands start to rub my lower back. "How about we head upstairs and eat before our dinner starts to get cold." Two fingers where placed on my chin lifting my head up slowly. He had a smile plastered on his face and moving the back of his hand on my cheek. I felt his arms release me and grab my hand pulling me with him to the stairway. I followed behind him as he brought us into a grey room with a long dining table and soft looking grey chairs. Staring at the room in awe, he pulls me out of my trance by forcing me to sit on a chair right to the head of the table. I looked at the plate in front of me to see it full of chicken alfredo with garlic bread, my favorites. "Eat please love," I bring my head up to see him stuffing his face. I picked up the fork and start to lay with my food before being it up to my mouth. This is the best food I have ever had. We ate the rest of our meal in silence, occasionally looking over to see him staring at me.

"Now that we are finished eating, lets talk about that list my star, I know this is going to me head to get use to but you will start that tomorrow and follow it perfectly everyday

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"Now that we are finished eating, lets talk about that list my star, I know this is going to me head to get use to but you will start that tomorrow and follow it perfectly everyday. As for now I will give you a chose and this will be the only choice I give you until I can trust you. I will do the dishes tonight and you will come relax with my in the living room and you could sleep with me in my bedroom or you could go back down to the basement and shower and sleep in that little room," he tells me placing his hand on my thigh and giving it a squeeze. I look down at my lap thinking about what to save.

"Umm can-n I sleep in-n the basement p-please?" my voice shakes as I ask the question. "Sure you can," he tells me while giving my thigh a last squeeze before getting up and grabbing my hand and leading me over though the door to a large room with a stone fireplace with a flat screen T.V. above it and cream colored couches and chairs with throw pillows scattered everywhere. He leads me over to the couch plopping down with one leg stretched over the length over the couch pulling me down into his hard chest forcing me to lay down on him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, grabbing the remote and turning on Netflix and turning on How to Get Away with Murder.

 He wrapped his arms around my waist, grabbing the remote and turning on Netflix and turning on How to Get Away with Murder

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I turned my head to look up at him to see him looking over at the T.V. intently while rubbing his hand up and down my arm before opening my mouth to say, "Um I have a question sir?"

"What would you like to know my star," he says while not taking his face off the T.V.

"I just want to know your name please," I heard a booming laugh and vibrating from the chest I was laying on.

"It's Ezra. Now let's finish this episode and then it's time for you to head to bed my small little star," he told me while taking my arm and placing it under his on top of my waist. Now I finally have a name for this beautiful man behind me. Alex why would you ever say that a man that took you from your life, you have to get out of here.

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