~Chapter Twenty-Nine~ The Reunion

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Alex's POV

The tears were still flowing down my cheeks as picked up my small butterfly and placed her sitting up on my lap. Adalyne had one of her dolls and was trying to give it Estella but she just pulled on her bow. Ezra came back from outside and sat next to me while the smell of smoke lingered in my nose. He placed his arm around my shoulder and Estella pulled her arms out in the direction of Ezra and he immediately took her off my lap. Adalyne's face scrunched up as she walked over to Rose in frustration.

"I am so glad to see you again. This is truly a miracle," she said as she picked the small child in front of her up and placed her next her as she buried her head into her side. "When they found that body burned in your car and your belongings I knew that the only hope I had of seeing you left. Everyone in the town was lost when they found out you were missing but it only got worse when they thought you had died," she tried saying but the tears were flowing fast down her face and so were mine. "And here you are again and I promise that we will keep you safe." At that moment Ezra got up and placed Etsella in her and picked the carseat up and grabbed my arm.

"We are leaving now this was a horrible mistake to bring you here," he said while he pulled me out of the door and looked back in the door to my family. "And if you say anything about us ever fucking being here I will make sure that all of you fucking pay," slamming the door, he kept pulling me to the car and opened my door pushing me in.

Once they were in the car also, Ezra started the car and sped off. His large hand was placed on my thigh as I looked out the window and let the tears silencently flow down my cheeks. I watched as the town I once called home faded into the skyline. Why would he bring me there and they pull me away like it was nothing.

When we finally made it back to the house, I jumped out of the car and ran into the house and back up to our bedroom. I throw myself on the bed and grabbed my pillow and held in to my chest as the waterfall of tears came crashing down. Right when I think that he is changing his heart, he rips the only thing I have wanted since I was taken here out of my hands. The door opened slowly and loud footsteps that were trying to be quite made there way over to the bed. A dip was created and and a hand was placed on my face and rubbed up and down. "Alex, my star, I am so sorry I know that you wanted to stay but they were going to take you away from me and I am never going to let you go," I pulled my head out of the pillow and made my way over to his lap where he wrapped his arms around me tightly and placed my head in his neck. "You and Estella are my world and I will never want to hurt either one of you. I love you my star."

"I love you too Ezra," I said while I leaned up and placed my lips on his, which caught him by surprise. He placed on hand on my neck and pulled my head closer to him showing his dominance. I let myself melt into him as he gently placed my back on the bed and rubbed his hands up and down my sides. I placed my hands in his hair and started to pull it hard.

"Well look at my feisty little star, she is all better now," he said while he placed his head in my neck and started leaving kisses all the way down to my collar bone. His large hand slipped under my shirt and was placed with on my stomach. "Are you sure this is want you want my star?" he asked as he kept attaching my neck. I nodded my head knowing that he could feel my head move. "I need words my star."

"Yes sir," I whispered loud enough for him to hear as I could feel him smile into my neck as he kept moving his hands up.

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