~Chapter Eighteen~ Baby Shower

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Alex's POV

26 Weeks Pregnant

My heart began to flutter as I watched Ezra place that final touches on our butterfly themed baby shower. He walked over to me and stood next to as wrapped his arm around me. "What do you like my love?" he asked me as he placed a small kiss on my head. I looked at the beautiful purple wall with multiple different colors of purple balloons and gold letters that spelt "It's a Girl" in the middle with a table in front with various treats including a two tier white cake with purple butterflies running up it and butterfly decorations placed all over the table.

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    "It's prefect

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"It's prefect. I love it," I told him as I looked at the beautiful set up in front of me.

"Well I am glad you like it star, now we have to get changed before people start showing up," I simply nodded my head as Ezra began leading me into our room and to the closet where both of our outfits had already been laid out. Mine was a pale pink high low dress with white flowers on it and his a pale pink dress shirt and a pair of black dress pants. We changed with our backs to each other and once I was done I turned around to see Ezra staring at me with a smile placed on his face. I could feel my cheeks start to warm up slightly. "You look beautiful my star," he said as he came closer to me and placed a kiss on the top of my head. He placed his hand on my lower and began to lead to me to the basement where the party was being held.

    This whole party idea was Ezra's

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This whole party idea was Ezra's. You could tell by the only people being on the list where people from his gang and his parents. No matter how much I begged he refused to let me invite Marcus and Lake, because they were a danger to my safety with Ezra. Once we were down there, a few people were already there and just simply nodded at us. Well this is going to be fucking boring.

More people have showed up and I was sitting at on of the tables eating a piece of red velvet cake and Ezra was somewhere taking with who ever about his stupid business. A few people had come over to congratulate me and all I could was simply nod at them. A long hand was placed on my shoulder causing me to jump up a little.

"Woah there my star, it's only me," a deep voice said from behind me that I recognized as Ezra. "I was just coming to check on you. Why are you sitting over here all alone?" he asked as I moved my head so that he was in my view. I just shrugged at him and went back to focusing on my cake. "Alex I am not going to fucking repeat myself, now answer the fucking question," I felt his hand start to tighten on my shoulder. "I'm bored," I said with my eyes on the piece of cake in front of me.

"How could you be bored? There are people everywhere my star," he moved so that he was kneeling in front of me and placed his hands on my thighs and gave me them a small squeeze.

"I don't know any of them Ezra," I placed one of my hands on his has tears started to well in my eyes. His other hand was placed on my face and began to wipe the tears away from my eyes.

"Well how about we cut this little party short my love and we can go up into our room and open some of those presents," I nodded my head and he told me to go up to the room and change and he would be up very shortly.

I made my way to the room and grabbed on of Ezra's shirt that was in the hamper and a pair of shorts that I had laid on the floor that morning. I walked over to the bathroom and changed out of my beautiful dress and pulled my now chest length hair into a loose ponytail. I heard the door open and made my way out of the bathroom to see Ezra carrying in some gift bags and he placed them on the bed and looked over at me with a smile. "Well let me get changed and then we can open some of these," I nodded at him and made my way over to the bed and plopped down. Ezra came out shortly in a pair of basketball shorts and a black deep v-neck shirt. He sat down next to me and handed me one of the small bags while he opened a different one.

After awhile we had opened all of the bags and most of them were just some small little onesies, a lot of small toys, and some baby care ideas. Ezra had brought in everything else to be seen that it was a bassinet and a small little wash tub for our small little butterfly. Looking around my two favorite things had to be beautiful blue, black, and white floral blanket and a white floral blanket with a light pink soft fabric on the other side.

 Looking around my two favorite things had to be beautiful blue, black, and white floral blanket and a white floral blanket with a light pink soft fabric on the other side

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 I looked at Ezra to see his leaning up against the headboard with a smile plastered on his face as I made my way over to him and leaned up against his chest and listened to his heartbeat as he wrapped his arms tightly around me and placed a soft ...

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I looked at Ezra to see his leaning up against the headboard with a smile plastered on his face as I made my way over to him and leaned up against his chest and listened to his heartbeat as he wrapped his arms tightly around me and placed a soft kiss on my head. "I love you my little star," was all I could hear as my eyes slowly started to drift close before everything became black.

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