~Chapter Seven~ Here We Go Again

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Alex's POV

9 Weeks Pregnant

I woke up to an empty spot next to me and pulled myself out of the bed and ran for the door. This is my chance to get us out of here. I know that the door was going to be locked like always so I ran to the spare bedroom on the first floor. In there was a window that actually opens unlike all these other fucking windows. I opened the window and placed one leg out when I heard the front door opening. Moving as fast as I could I pushed the rest of myself out the window and my bare feet hitting the cold wet grass. I looked around to see a long driveway with forest covering either side of the house.

"ALEXANDRA WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" a loud voice could be heard from inside the house causing me to run as fast as my legs could carry me into the forest next to the driveway. I kept running until I saw a small road in the distance. Making me way to the road I saw a car coming and began waving my arms like a crazy person the flag them down. The car pulled over to me and rolled down the window to show a man with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Mam are you okay?" he asked as I placed my hands on the car door.

"You need to help me," I said while looking around, "I need to get to the closest town. Please will you take me?"

"Of course get in," I walked around the car and got in. I bucked in while he began driving. Placing my hand on my stomach, we are finally free my baby. Right when I thought I was away from Ezra, the man next to me said "Boss isn't very happy with you right now." I looked up to see him driving up a long driveway leading back to the house I dread. I started to freak out reaching to open the door to see a fuming Ezra walking over to the car. We stopped moving and I felt my door being opened and the seat belt being pulled out of the socket. I looked up to see Ezra's face right next to mine. He grabbed my arms and pulled me roughly out of the car.

"You are dismissed Jesse, now leave," he said slamming the door, tightening his grip on my upper arm. Dragging me to the house I could hear him mumbling under his breath making sure that I could not hear it. When we made it back to the house he picked me up bridal style and carrying me down back to the small room in the basement. I was thrown on the soft bed with Ezra's hands placed around my wrists holding me down.

"I leave the fucking house to get you something to keep you fucking company and moved a fucking office into my house and I come back and find you gone. What the fuck were you thinking?" the vein on his forehead began to pop and the anger in his eyes made him look crazy. I wiggled in his hold only to be pushed harder into the bed. "You are carrying my heir and you tried to take that away from me. You will stay in this fucking room until I believe you have learned your fucking lesson," he said letting go of my wrists and walking over to the door,slamming it behind him and leaving me alone in this room once again. I ran over to the door only to find that it was locked. I slumped down on the floor and began to weep quietly. Everything that I do will be for you, I thought while placing me hand on my not yet showing stomach.

Time Skip

I was curled up in the small bed with nothing else to do but sleep. The door opens and and the bed dipped a little. A small, warm ball was placed on the side my front was facing. I look down to see a little dark brown kitty with light brown stripes and bright blue eyes.

    "I got her for you to keep you company my star until I get the office completed but you will still be able to keep her," the voice next to me said softly

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"I got her for you to keep you company my star until I get the office completed but you will still be able to keep her," the voice next to me said softly. I picked the kitty up while moving myself until my back was resting on the wall and placed the small animal in my lap.

"Thank you," I whispered keeping my eyes focused on the animal curled up on my lap.

"We are going to have a long fucking talk about what you did earlier but as for now I don't want you stressing so how about we pick a name for this little thing," he says while grabbing my calf and giving it a small squeeze.

"Nala, I want to call her Nala," I said confidently while placing a small smile on my face and bring a hand to pet her soft fur and I could feel her purring under my hand. She was beautiful and she was mine. Something else I have to protect from this cruel bipolar man.

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