~Chapter Six~ For My Baby

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Alex's POV

I was currently in the kitchen preparing myself a turkey sandwich, when I heard the front door open and what sounded like two pairs of footsteps coming from the entrance way. "Go and set up in the guest bedroom. Down that hall first door on the right. I will be in in a few minutes," I heard Ezra's voice boom. I sat my plate on the island when I saw him leaning in the door way. He walked over to me slowly, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room. I was pulled all the way over to a small room with a large bed with a brown comforter and cream walls. Looking around I saw a small woman with long blonde hair tied tightly in a high pony and her front facing a small monitor. A loud couch escaped Ezra's lips causing the small woman to jump in her place.

"Oh sir I didn't hear you come in

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"Oh sir I didn't hear you come in. You must be Alex," she said while walking over to me and grabbing my free hand. "Boss here has told me a lot about you, please come and lay down so we can check on that baby." They both let go of my hands letting my walk over to the left side of the bed and lay my body down with my back slightly elevated but the decor pillows. "Okay all I need you to do is pull your shirt up a little," I began pulling it up to just above my belly button.

Ezra come over to the bed and sat down by my feet and placed him hand on my lower calf. His eyes were on the screen and the unknown woman placed a cold blue gel on my lower stomach causing me to shiver at the sudden temperature change. I looked over at the screen to it turn on before she placed this wand thing on to my stomach. Only after a minute the screen displayed a black circle with a small gray blob in the middle.

"Well from what this looks like you are about six weeks and two days and I would say you should be due June 24th. I will print this off for you and I'll come back in a month to see how that little one is doing." she told me while handing me some paper towel to wipe my stomach off.

Time Skip

That's a real human in my stomach. Looking at the picture in my hand, my brain still couldn't believe that I was pregnant. This person is going to come to me for everything. I have to get out of here to give them a better life, but how? I am locked in this house twenty-four seven and Ezra is always by my side when he is home. At this moment he is curled up on the couch watching T.V.. I was sitting criss cross with a blanket over me looking over at the show every here and there. But my mind kept going back to the thought of escape. I am going to get out of here for my baby. He or she will never have to know about the reasons of their conception. My mother would know what to do,she always did. When Aunt Rose got pregnant with Adalyne she would call everyday to see if something with the baby was okay. She would always be there for me when I couldn't get through the day. When I lost her my whole life felt like it was over but this baby is going to be the light that I need.

"Well what is my little star thinking about?" he asked me while moving closer over to me.

"Just my mother," I whispered keeping my eyes on the picture. One lone tear began falling down my cheek. A rough thumb was placed on my cheek and began wiping it away.

"It's okay my love. We don't have to talk about anything. Just come here and lay with me," he said opening his arms for me before leaning back on the arm rest. I just looked at him and his eyes began to show anger in them. "Don't make me say it again," he said with anger lacing his voice. I leaned down placing my head on his chest and felt his arms wrap around me. One of his hands was placed on my stomach gently. I felt myself slowly start to drift to sleep. A hand was placed in my hair rubbing my scalp making me close my eyes and let out a soft moan in content.

"Go to sleep my star, you had a long day lover" he whispered into my ear before my eyes closed for good and I was encased in my dreams of my past life.

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