~Chapter Five~ Positive?

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Alex's POV Six Weeks Later

    I was standing in the kitchen preparing some blueberry muffins with some bacon and eggs

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I was standing in the kitchen preparing some blueberry muffins with some bacon and eggs. These last few weeks have been pretty good. I had to move in to Ezra's room after that night on the couch. Every morning I wake up to him wrapped up onto of me, which takes about ten minutes to wiggle my way out of his grip. After that I usually just follow his list but only cleaning once a week. Is this house really meant to be that dirty if only two people live here. I heard a beep come from the oven meaning that the muffins were finally done. I placed them on the oven allowing them to cool some before I made my way up the stairs and into Ezra's room. He was holding my pillow tightly to his chest, thinking it was me.

I walked over to his side of the bed and began running my hand through his hair while shaking him gently. A groan escaped his lips and he started to toss around on the bed.

"Breakfast is ready," I told him as he turned around to face me and slowly opened his eyes. A small smile was on his face and he grabbed my hand placing a soft him on it.

"Well good morning my star. How about we go and eat some of that yummy food you made this morning?" I simply nodded at him, watching him get out of bed in nothing but blue athletic shorts. He grabbed my hand pulling me out of the room leading me back to the kitchen. Ezra sat down on the bar stool and I began plating the food making sure that his had more than mine like always. Placing both plated down and taking my place next to him, we began chowing down.

I felt it coming right back up immediately and I quickly made my way to the bathroom right in time for me to start hurling into the toilet bowl. A hand pulled my hair back and began rubbing my back in small circles. This has been happening like this for the past two weeks but I always thought nothing about it. I grabbed the toilet paper and whipped my face before flushing. I stood up to see a concerned face looking right at me like every time. He keeps telling me that I need to rest but I always tell him that I am fine but this time it was different.

"I bought these for you yesterday after work," he walked over to the counter and opening a drawer to pull out a white box. The box was later placed in my hands and I looked down at it with shock on my face. It was pregnancy tests. There is no way that I could be pregnant. "I want you to take these please my star," he walked out of the bathroom, leaving my alone not knowing what was going to happen. Maybe if I just take them they will come back negative because I can't be pregnant. I took the tests placing them on the counter waiting five minutes just like they told me. That would be the longest five minutes of my life.

Right as I was about to go and look at the tests a quite knock was heard and Ezra walked in wearing a striped grey suit. I looked over at him before looking down at the tests on the counter. I felt tears start to form in my eyes and fall down my cheeks. It was positive. I was pregnant with his baby. How could I bring a child into a world like this. Ezra walked next to me placing his arm around my waist.

"I'm going to be a father," he whispered in my ear and I could hear excitement lining his voice

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"I'm going to be a father," he whispered in my ear and I could hear excitement lining his voice. A rough hand was placed on my stomach. "That's my baby in there," he began rubbing it slowly and placed small kisses on my neck. "We are going to have to talk about this more when I get home my star work is in need of me but I just want you to rest today please," I nodded at him as he walked out of the bathroom. I could hear the front door close and lock.

Making me way over to the living room and laid down on the couch covering up with one of the throw blankets. I turned the T.V. on turning it to Scared Lies. My mind started to drift to the thought of the baby growing inside of me. Some part of my was filled with joy but the rest was freaking out inside. I was only 16 and about to become a mother and this baby will have to be brought up in a world I saw myself being in. But I will make sure that they know no matter what that I love them and will do anything to make them happy. They will be my happiness in this dark place.

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