~Chapter Nineteen~ Learning More

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Alex's POV

28 Weeks Pregnant

It's been a few weeks and after a lot of discussing, we have finally figured out a name for our little butterfly and no matter how hard I tried to convince him her name will not be Butterfly Rose but we decided that we were going to keep it secret until she is born. And the only other thing is that Ezra's has been keeping his distance away from me. Always locking himself in his office only coming out for dinner and to go to bed. I was currently on my way to his office because even with Nala keeping me company, I have missed having him there with me. I still haven't decided if my feelings for him were just my hormones or if I actually have them for him.

Once I made it to his office, I knocked on the door to hear a come in. I opened the door to see gray room with an l-shaped desk with two computer monitors and a simple black chair in the corner. Ezra was focused on one of his computers when I entered the room. As I closed the door he turned around and looked at me with a soft smile on his face. "What can I do for you my star?" he asked as I walked over to him and moved some of his papers over to sit down on his desk in front of him. He placed his hands on my thighs as I placed mine on top of his.

 He placed his hands on my thighs as I placed mine on top of his

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"I'm bored and you are not around anymore. You are always in here making me think that I did something wrong," I looked down at our hands to see one of them move up under my chin lifting my head up slowly.

"You haven't done anything wrong my small star," My eyes met his to see a glimmer of worry. His face looked rough like he hadn't slept in weeks.

"Then why are you hiding yourself in here all the time," a tear began to fall down my cheeks thinking about all the things I have done wrong these past few weeks.

"To be truly honest with you Alex, I am scared," I looked at him with confusion plastered all over my face. What could he possibly be scared of? He is a mafia boss and ever person I have seen come into this house shows some type of fear. "I'm scared that our little girl will be scared of me like everyone else. She could run away from me and cry every time she sees me," he said as he placed both of his hands on my large stomach as she started to kick at his touch.

"Why would think that?" I asked him as I brought my hands up and placed them on both sides of his rough face.

"Ever since I was young no one would talk to me because of what my father did. I grew up with no one being my friends. People would call me a nerd because I always was interested in the stars. I pushed myself away from everyone like my father taught me. He taught me to be ruthless and never to love anyone but myself just like how my grandfather taught him," I looked at him to see some tears forming in his eyes and him trying his best to hold them back. "I never thought I would find someone in my life that would make me think any different but then I saw you in your school parking lot with on of my men and your friend and my heart felt something I had never felt before. I promised myself I would wait for you but I grew tired of watching you from a distance." My mind began to fill with thoughts. He had been watching me and waiting. Of course I knew that I wasn't just some random girl he found on the side of the road but it still shocked me. "You were even scared of me when you first got here and I can't help but think that she is going to be just like you. Scared of me even if I am her father. What if every time I hold her she starts to cry and never wants to be around me?"

"She would never do that. Of course she is going to cry when you hold her but you are just going to have to find out what is wrong with her. Every time you touch my stomach she goes crazy. I can already tell that she is going to be a daddy's girl. You have nothing to be scared about with her," I said as a small smile began to form on his face and he leaned in closer to my stomach to start talking to our small butterfly.

"Hi my little princess, I hope you are having fun in there because in a few short weeks you are going to be in my arms and I am never going to let you out of my site. I will do everything I have to to keep you and your mother safe," he placed a small kiss on my stomach over my shirt. "I love you both my little stars." Maybe he does actually love us but right I don't know if he does.

" Maybe he does actually love us but right I don't know if he does

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