~Chapter Eight~ His Side

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Ezra's POV

She laid curled up peacefully on the small bed with the small kitten curled up under her chin. She looks so sweet when she is asleep. I placed my hand on her growing belly and rubbed in small circles. I placed my arms under her and carried her bridal style up to our bedroom. She curled closer into my chest causing me to hold her tighter. Setting her down on the bed, I walked into the closet grabbing her a some sleeping shorts and one of my black dress shirts. I changed her slowly getting to admire her beautiful body and removed my clothing leaving me in my boxers. Placing myself in the large bed and grabbing her close to my chest and pulled the covers over us. This girl was everything I wanted, I could remember the day I first saw her.

Walking over to the car after getting out of jail for six days. My driver, Morgan, opened the door letting me get in the back. Once I was comfortable I reached into my suit pocket grabbing me phone to see how the business is doing. There is going to be so much I need to fucking fix. The car started driving off slowly passing a high school where I the most beautiful girl in a pair of light blue ripped jeans and a black and white striped shirt with short brown hair pulled up into a tight ponytail that looks so soft I could just run my fingers through. Her small frame seemed like it would fit perfectly in my arms. I quickly pulled my phone out and snapped a few pictures and made one immediately my background. I sent one to Jesse telling him that I need all the information on her on my desk when I get back.

    A few minutes later we pulled up to the office causing me to get out and walk past everyone in the lobby with lustful looks at me

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A few minutes later we pulled up to the office causing me to get out and walk past everyone in the lobby with lustful looks at me. I made my way over to the elevator and pressed the button to the twenty-third floor. Once the doors were open I gave a slight nod to my personal secretary and walked over to my office. On the desk was a manila folder and picture of my beauty on it. Sitting down in my desk pulling out the paper right on the top to see all the information I need. Alexandra Fayth Reid-Isherwood, fifteen, lives with her aunt and uncle. There was multiple pictures of her placed in the folder. I knew that I was going to place them all over my house and right her in my office.

One day my star I will have you resting in my arms. I closed my eyes and began to imagine her standing in the kitchen with a small baby boy sitting on the counter asking her a million questions before he saw me and his eyes lit up. She turned around with a smile on her face and walked over to me placing a small kiss on my cheek. I know that this day will be here soon but I have to wait for her. I hope that I can hold out that long but I was going to do my best to stay away from her until she is finally able to be mine.

I never was able to wait for things and know she is in my arms and carrying my child. She began to snore softly making me place a small kiss on her forehead. I ran my hand through her hair and let out a small moan of satisfaction.She began to move in my arms "It's okay sweet I am here for you, goodnight my beautiful star," I whispered into her ear pulling her as close as I could before closing my eyes and being consumed by darkness.

Alex's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see nothing but a hard bare chest and felt large arms wrapped tightly around my waist. Starting to wiggle my way out of his grip.

"Stop moving and go back to sleep," a deep rough voice said causing the chest in front of me to rumble. Immediately stopping I look up to see Ezra with a peaceful look on his face and his eyes still closed. I placed my hands on his chest and began feeling up and down him. What has come over you Alex? You have to try again and leave this baby can not be raised in a home with this man in it. But there was part of me telling me to stay here and raise this baby together. Why does this have to be complicated? He stole you from the life you knew and throw you into this, a world of failed escape attempts and pregnancy that was caused by a rape. I don't know what to even think about anymore.

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