~Chapter Fifteen~ You're In The What?

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Alex's POV

20 Weeks Pregnant

"I need my shipment in now Carter," I could hear as I began to slowly wake up. "There are not fucking buts. When I say I want something done it gets fucking down," I know the voice to be Ezra's but what is he talking about shipment. "The customers are waiting and if that fucking shipment isn't here by the morning you are fucking going to get." I looked up from my pillow to see him standing in front of fireplace with a cigar between his fingers and his phone held up to his ear. He looked over at me with a blank expression on his face. "I have to go," he said before hanging up the phone and putting the cigar out on an ash tray that has randomly appeared on the mantle.

He walked over to me and I could feel the bed dip from where he sat. A rough hand was placed on my stomach causing me to flinch away at his touch. "How much did you hear my star?" I refused to look at him and didn't say a word. "Star it's not as bad as you think I swear," he said in a sweet voice which you could tell was fake. How could he know that it wasn't the bad.

"How do I fucking know that?" I sat up and faced him to see his face being taken over by shock. "I need to fucking know what I am bring my child up into," I yelled at him while getting out of the bed and walking over to the door. My arms were grabbed and placed on the wall behind me.

"I run this fucking house and you ,as the woman, will listen to me. Now tell me what you fucking heard," I kept my face down and felt the tears flow down my face. All of my courge just went out the door.

"S-shipment and someone is going to get it,"I whispered with my head still down refusing to look at him. He mumbled a fuck before letting go of my hands and walking over to one of the chairs near the fireplace. I walked back to the door and slowly opened it.

"Get your ass over here. Don't you fucking dare leave this room Alexandra," his voice was low and laced with authority. Making my way over to him, I stood in front of him looking at his lap before he pulled me down on to him. "This is something I never wanted you to know, my whole life I have kept a very closed secret and it was to keep you safe, but you had to fucking wake up during an important call. You want to fucking know," he placed his fingers under my chin and slowly lifted it up to look at the blank expression on his face. "I am one of the most powerful mafia bosses to ever walk this fucking planet. How do you fucking think no one has come looking for you?" I looked at him in shock not believing what my ears where telling me. "I made you disappear in the keys of the world. To the rest of them you are dead." He looked so calm like this was normal thing to say.

"You are a fucking psycho!" I jumped off his lap and ran to the door as fast as I could. My arms were grabbed and I was thrown on to the soft bed. Ezra got on top of me and held my hands over my head. "Let me go please" I began to beg him.

"You think that I am going to let you go! You are mine. No one is going to fucking believe you," his spit was splashing on my face " I faked your fucking death so I could have you to myself." The tears began to fall down my face even faster. His rough thumb began to wipe the tears away. His face still held the same blank expression. This man was not the one I have known for the past months but all feelings I had for this man were just lost and gone. He let go of my wrists and rolled over and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed one hand on my large stomach. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of my muffled cries.

"You look so beautiful in my arms my small wife," I laid there silently and watched his hand rub my stomach. How can this man be so rough one second and try to love on me and care for me the next second. "Get some sleep my little star. I will hopefully be here in the morning when you wake up," he placed a small kiss on my cheek and rested his head into my neck. Well this is going to be one sleepless night.

 Well this is going to be one sleepless night

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