~Chapter Ten~ Babymoon Part One

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Alex's POV

14 Weeks Pregnant

A small rocking sensation woke me up and I was greeted with my head in Ezra's lap and he was looking at him phone and on hand playing with my hair. Looking around I saw that we were in the backseat of a car and there was an older man sitting in the front. I began to sit up stretching my arms as I did. I looked out the window and saw trees zooming pass, turning around I saw Ezra staring at me with a small smirk on his face.

"How did you sleep my beautiful star?" he asked while bringing his arms over to me and pulling me into his side.

"Fine. Why are we in a car?" I looked at his face to see his eyes begin to soften.

"Well I thought it would be nice to take you on a little vacation, think of it like a babymoon or just some fun for us and we will be at the plane every soon star," he said while placing a small kiss on my cheek. "And don't worry about that cat, she is with my parents and sisters." My poor kitty being left without me for god knows how long. He tighten the arm that was around my waist as we pulled into what looked like an airport lot with a jet waiting for us. Ezra pulled me out of the car with him and lead me to the plane. I looked around and see multiple cars surrounding us and I recognized one as the one that I got into on the side of the road. We entered the plane and it looked just like the style of his home. Long light grey couches on either side and grey brown chairs with dark wood accent tables.

    "Go and lay down, I have some work to finish before we get there my star

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"Go and lay down, I have some work to finish before we get there my star. I brought you some book or you could watch some Netflix," he said while pointing to the books that have been placed on the coffee table. "Once I am done we will talk about the rules for this trip." He walked over to one of the chairs in front of a table and placed down his laptop. I pulled the first book of the table and saw that I was The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux. Well I guess this is what I will be reading.

It has been a few hours and I was fully laid down on the couch with my nose in this book. I never want to put it down. A loud clearing of the throat caused me to jump and throw my book to my side. My eyes were met with Ezra sitting at the edge of the couch and my feet placed on his lap.

"I see that you are enjoying that book my star, but it's time we talk about these simple rules I expect you to follow. Now sit up," his voice was filled with dominance and I immediately pulled myself up and sat criss cross facing him. He placed his hand on my small bump and rubbed it gently. "These rules are to protect you both my star." A smile was placed on his face as he said that. "You will stay by my side during the whole vacation, when we are out in public you will only speak if I am talking to you, and my men are already at the place we are going so there will be no chance for you to escape me again." I looked at him and all the hope of me escape left my mind. "We are going to be there few soon so I need you to go change into this because where we are going it is going to be to hot for your jeans and sweat."

He handed me a black short sleeve shirt and some blue green high waisted shorts with some hot pink flowers on them and a pair of black sandals. His hand was pointed over to a door and he moved his head telling me to go. I walked over to the door to see that it was a bathroom. I changed slowly and pulled my hair up into a tight ponytail. I looked in the mirror and was very pleased with what I saw. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Ezra standing by the window now changed into a short sleeve white button down shirt and navy blue shorts. He turned around and save me and a smile formed on his face.

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"Come here beautiful, I want to show you something," he says as he holds his arms out for me to come next to him

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"Come here beautiful, I want to show you something," he says as he holds his arms out for me to come next to him. I made my way to the window and his arms snaked around my waist and I looked out the window to see a beautiful ocean with a trail of houses floating above the water. "Welcome to Bora Bora my star." I look up at him with shock on my face before I knew it he placed a soft kiss on my cheek and pulled me closer to him.

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