~Chapter Twenty-Eight~ My Home Town

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Alex's POV

Rolling over, I felt a empty spot and the crunching of a piece of paper underneath me. I opened my eyes to see a piece of paper placed right next to my head. Grabbing it immediately and began to read it.

Good morning my star,

I am so sorry that I was not there when you woke up but I should be home very soon to take you and Stel somewhere very special. I have picked out outfits for you both and I expect for you both to be dressed when I get back.

I love you my beautiful star, E.A.T.

I sat up in the bed and looked over at the chairs in the room to see maroon outfits sitting there. I picked mine up to see it was a white stripped shirt with a maroon sweater and a plaid scarf and a pair of ripped blue jeans. I got dressed immediately before grabbing the maroon onesie and a floral beige overall shirt with a matching bow. I made my way to her room to see her laying peacefully in crib holding her stuff teddy bear. I picked her up at brought her over to the changing table to change her diaper and get her ready for the day.

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While she was still asleep in brought her down stairs to the kitchen and placed her in a bouncer that was placed on the floor from last night

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While she was still asleep in brought her down stairs to the kitchen and placed her in a bouncer that was placed on the floor from last night. Right as I set her down I looked up to see Ezra wearing a maroon dress shirt and a black pair of dress pants and his suit jacket. This man actually made all of us match. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. "You look so perfect my star," he said while he placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"So what is that surprise you have for me?" I asked while I lent my head on to his chest.

"Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise anymore my star," he said as he started to play with my hair. "Now let's get Stel in her car seat and we can be on our way my star." I simply nodded while once again picked Estella up and walked over to the carseat and gently placed her in it not wanting to wake her up. Ezra was behind me once again. I swear this man is a fucking ninja. He ushered us outside and took the car seat away from me and opened my door as he also began to open the back door.

Once we were all in the car, Ezra started to drive to a place that was completely unknown to me. I looked out of the window while he placed his hand on my thigh and slowly started to rub up on down. The car ride stayed silence until a small building came into view. It was a small cafe that I remembered from my hometown. As we drove further into this town I knew that it was my hometown. He turned down to a very familiar road that lead me back to a very familiar house. As he pulled into the driveway I could see the door fly open as my Aunt Rose came out with tears in her eyes. I looked over at Ezra who gave me a simple nod before I ran out of the car and into her arms. I never thought I was going to see her again.

She pulled away from me and I could see all the tears running down her face. "I thought that I had lost you just like your mother, but when that man called saying you were safe and with him my heart told me that there was still some amount of hope for me to see you," I looked behind me to see Ezra holding the car seat with his head looking down at the know away five month old. "Let's get you inside I know that someone is going to be very excited to see you," I nodded and followed her inside as Ezra grabbed my hand and followed after us.

The first person I saw was my small cousin Adalyne playing with a few dolls on the floor and then I looked over to the couch to see Miles with a newspaper in his face. "Look who is here," Rose said while both of them looked over at me. Adalyne throw her dolls on to the floor as she ran over to me and jumped into my arms.

"Aly I missed so much," she said as she placed her chin on my shoulder and looked at the figure behind me. "Who they?" she asked as she pointed.

"Well that is my husband, Ezra," I said as I turned around and pointed at him, "And that little one is our daughter, Estella." He came closer to us and placed his hand into her hair and slowly started to mess with it. This wasn't the surprise I was expecting but I am so glad that he let me come and see them again.

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