~Chapter Twenty-Five~ Feeling Love

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Alex's POV

Ezra has realized that I have been hella bored lately and has let me invite Lake and Emmaline come over and to say I was excited was an understatement because I haven't seen anyone since Estella was born. I know he didn't like the idea at first but he is going to get use to it. He did tell me that he was going to be in the next room just in case any problems would arise. Right now I was standing in the living room, pacing around bouncing my small little girl to get her to fall asleep. I had her dressed in white sleeper with blue flowers and I could that she hated because it restricted her leg movement.

 I had her dressed in white sleeper with blue flowers and I could that she hated because it restricted her leg movement

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"Giver her to me my star," a voice said from behind me. Turning around I saw Ezra standing in the corner of the room in a grey shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans. He began to walk closer to me, once he was right in front of me he slowly lifted the small body out of my arms allowing me to finally sit on one of the chairs near the fireplace. I watched as he went and laid down on the couch and placed Estella on his chest. He grabbed the small knot I had tied at the end of her sleeper. "My little Stel, let's give those chubby little legs movement," he said in a baby voice as he tickled her small feet.

The doorbell rang causing me to immediately get up. Walking over to the door and opening it slowly to reveal Emmaline holding a car seat. "Come in," I said to her and once she was in the house I lead her to the living room to see Ezra now sitting up and the sleeping Estella placed in her bouncer in front of the couch. "Well I am going to be in the kitchen if you need anything," he got up and placed a kiss in my cheek and leaving the room. She set the car seat on the coffee table and lifted out Bishop. We sat on the couch when the doorbell rang once again. I was just about to get up when I heard some muffled voices and shortly Lake entered the room holding a large bag of snacks. She walked over to the couch and plopped down next to me. "Lake this is Emmy and Bishop and this is my daughter Estella," I said as she nodded and gave a simple high.

"Well how about we get this party started," Lake said as she looked at both of us and quickly grabbed the remote off the table.

It has been about two hours and both of them would not stop asking me questions about Ezra. The only thing is that I let something slip that I never thought I would say to anyone. Emmy asked what I felt for Ezra and the first thing that came out of my mouth was that I loved him. The both looked at me with shock and I could feel my face start to blush.

"I thought it was just my hormones from being pregnant, but after I tried to escape again I realized that it was actually me falling in love with the man that stole me from my life," I said as I rocked my butterfly in my arms and let her play with my finger.

"Well I think that it is good that someone else loves that man," Emmy said while placing Bishop in his car seat. "He really needed someone that could show him what love was like and I am glad that it was you because not only are you my friend but you are my family now."

"I never thought someone would actually fall in love with him," Lake chimed in as she stuffed her faced with chips. "Every time I have come over here with Marcus he would just be staring into space with a blank expression on his face. He creeps me the fuck out," she said while continuing to stuff her face with chips and not taking her face off the T.V..

"I know he is different around other people but around me he is so much sweeter than what I have seen when others are here," I said looking down at my small butterfly as she lifted my finger to her mouth. They both looked to the door and I shortly followed. Ezra was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Well it looks like you two should be going now," he said as they both nodded and waved at me before walking out of the room. Ezra made his way to the couch and sat down next to me. His rough hands were placed on my thighs and he placed a small kiss on the top of my head. "I love you too my star."

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