~Chapter Twenty-Seven~ Later

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Alex's POV

12 weeks Later

My eyes went to Estella sitting up on a blank playing with a small teddy bear. My small butterfly has grown so much in the past few months, she has a full head of black hair and has started to eat some baby food. She has started to cling to her father more than anything. Ezra walked in and I saw her little eyes light up and her arms immediately went up at him to hold her. Picking her up he came and state over next to me with Estella on his lap. "My small Stel were you giving your mother trouble,"he said in a stern voice causing her to let out a giggle while she grabbed his nose. Watching them interact always brings a smile to my face. I know that he has put my through so much hell but he has changed more than I would have thought.

She kept giggling as she held his nose tighter causing Ezra to look at me before grabbing her small hand and pulling it away from his nose. "You do not grab people's faces Estella Grace," he yelled causing her to flinch and tears welled in her eyes. I immediately grabbed her and placed her head in my neck as I slowly bounced her and walked over to the stairs and made it to her nursery. Sitting down on the small rocking chair next to her crib and took the floral throw pillow with her name written on it. Placing her small body on my lap while resting her head on the pillow. I wiped her tears away from her eyes and slowly rocked her and placed her binkie in her mouth that was on the dressing table next to me and placed in her mouth. She slowly closed her eyes and began to drift to sleep when the door slowly opened to reveal Ezra. His eyes looked red, letting me know that he had been smoking. He came closer and sat down on the foot stool in front of me. Holding her closer to me while he placed his hand on my thigh.

 Holding her closer to me while he placed his hand on my thigh

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    He looked down at her and placed his large finger on to her small face

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He looked down at her and placed his large finger on to her small face. He looked up at me as he started to speak, "I know that that was not how that should have been handled but she needs to know that she has to respect her father."

"She was just having fun like a child should be you so fucking handled that the wrong way," I said while raising my voice softly trying no to wake up the sleeping form on my lap.

"How else is she going to fucking learn if I don't discipline her Alex?"he asked while grabbing my thigh tighter.

"She is fucking five months old Ezra, a fucking baby you are not going to fucking yell at her for having fun," I said while only looking down at my butterfly.

"You do not fucking yell at me Alexandra this is my fucking house and I will do what I fucking want," he said while getting up and walking out of the room slamming the door behind him. Just when I thought he was a good person, he goes and does something like that. I try to give him the benefit of the doubt but I am not going to let him raise our daughter the way he was raised. I got up and placed Estella in her crib before walking out and calmly shutting the door.

I made my way over to the living room and jumped down on the couch and throw the closet blanket over my body and let my eyes slowly being to close and drift to sleep.

Time Skip

Moving my head over I could feel that I was on a harder surface then when I feel asleep. Opening my eyes I looked up to see Ezra with a cigar in his mouth and face completely on the television. I throw myself off of him causing him to look at me and place the cigar in the ashtray on the coffee table. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back into him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly causing me not to be able to move. I looked back up at him to see that he once again had his cigar in his mouth and was taking another puff before placing a rough kiss on the top of my head and taking his hand that was just holding the cigar and began to play with my hair. I ignored him and looked at the T.V. while I started to think about my small butterfly sleeping in her room. I know that there is no way for me to leave him but I will make it my job for that little girl to be protected.

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