~Chapter Twelve~ Home

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Ezra's POV

16 Weeks Pregnant

We have been home for a couple of hours and just finished checking up on our baby. In my hand was an envelope that held the gender. I know that it is a son already to be able to take over as my heir to my business, but my star convinced me to do this stupid gender reveal thing on Christmas. Me being me agreed to her for whatever reason. She keeps telling me 'what if it's a girl' and there is no way its a girl, the first Torres baby of each line is a boy and it always will be. A knock was at the door and before I could even get up from my chair in the entrance way, Jesse.

"Do you not fucking know how to wait dumbass?" I yelled at him and all he did was laugh at me. "You think this is fucking funny don't you? Well maybe I should just just give it to Carter."

"I am your second hand man I will fucking do the job," Jesse says as he ripped the envelope out of my hand. "You will know on Christmas." He walked out of the door and slammed it behind him. Well I guess I have to go and find my wife. I could hear some shuffling coming from the laundry room to her in a light pair of jean overalls and a black and white off the shoulder shirt on a stool leaning into the washing machine. I snuck up behind her and gave her ass a small slap causing her to jump and turn to face me. Her bump was protruding perfectly and seemed to be growing faster and faster each day.

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    "Would you like help there my little tiny star?" I asked as I placed my hand on her side and snaking it around to her lower back

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"Would you like help there my little tiny star?" I asked as I placed my hand on her side and snaking it around to her lower back. She gave me a simple nod and moved over to the side a little letting me reach into the washing machine and grab everything in one arms. Alex walked over to the dryer and opened it for me allowing me to place them in there. She pressed a few buttons and then turned back around to face me. I placed my hand on her belly and rubbed it gently as she placed her hands on my chest letting me feel cold metal through my shirt that I know as her wedding ring. I know that how wedding thing came as a shock to her but she has been adjusting quite fine. I lent down and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. She looked so perfect under me. I can remember the first time I was in her room watching her sleep and now she is really in my arms and I get to call her my wife and the mother of my child. This is the home I have always wanted.

My father said the the only important thing in life was to take over for him as the boss, I gave up my dream to be an astronomer to make him proud. But everything changed when I saw her, she became the important thing in my life. Inside I can hear my father's voice telling me that my son will live the same life I do. I will break his hopes and dreams to become a ruthless and feelingless man. Yet I want him to be able to have dreams and hopes but in this world that will never be allowed. My train of thought was lost when I heard a soft voice.

"Ezra, can we go decorate the tree?" her hand was now placed on my face and all I could do was nod. I let her lead the way into the living room where the tree had already been set up and next to it a large box of decorations. I haven't put up a tree since I was eighteen but I would do anything for her. She walked over and began pulling out long strings of blue garland and various silver and gold ornaments. Handing me the garland and told me to place it on the tree.

We were finally finished and it looked perfect to her. She had went into the kitchen to make some hot chocolate and I was incharge of picking something for us the watch. Flipping through Netflix before I landed on Ghostbusters and clicked pause waiting for my wife to enter the room. She came out with two mugs and Nala following behind her. Once she was next to me she placed the cups on the coffee table and laid down onto of me with her head placed on my chest. I had us elevated a little to make sure she was comfortable and I pulled a blanket over us and rested my hand on my stomach. Nala hopped up on the couch and curled up next to Alex and began to purr softly. I pressed play on the movie and placed on last kiss on the top of her head before turning my attention to the television.

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